Paul IV Quiz

Pope Paul IV (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

(Paul IV is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.)

Paul IV Quiz Questions

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1. When was Giovanni Pietro Caraffa born?
a) 28 June 1476
b) 27 February 1475
c) 7 August 1472
d) 5 November 1471

2. Where was Giovanni Pietro Caraffa born?
a) Carpriglio
b) Detroit
c) Ostia
d) Avignon

3. Which order or congregation did Giovanni Pietro Caraffa join?
a) Order of Preachers
b) Order of St. Benedict
c) Congregation of Clerics Regular
d) Congregation of Mary Immaculate

4. When was Giovanni Pietro Caraffa consecrated bishop?
a) 18 January 1506
b) 21 May 1498
c) 18 September 1505
d) 15 November 1500

5. Of which archdiocese was Giovanni Pietro Caraffa archbishop in 1549?
a) Milan
b) Frankfurt
c) Naples
d) Lisbon

6. When was Giovanni Pietro Caraffa created cardinal?
a) 3 March 1526
b) 4 June 1543
c) 28 September 1532
d) 22 December 1536

7. When was Paul IV elected pope?
a) 9 March 1556
b) 23 May 1555
c) 12 September 1553
d) 14 November 1554

8. Whose claim to English Crown was rejected by Paul IV on the ground that she was of illegitimate birth?
a) Elizabeth
b) Margaret
c) Jane
d) Anne

9. Which cardinal was imprisoned by Paul IV on suspicion of heresy?
a) Thomas Wolsey
b) Carlo Caraffa
c) Reginald Pole
d) Giovanni Morone

10. When did Paul IV die?
a) 19 January 1560
b) 10 October 1558
c) 18 August 1559
d) 4 April 1561

Paul IV Quiz Questions with Answers

1. When was Giovanni Pietro Caraffa born?
a) 28 June 1476

2. Where was Giovanni Pietro Caraffa born?
a) Carpriglio

3. Which order or congregation did Giovanni Pietro Caraffa join?
c) Congregation of Clerics Regular

4. When was Giovanni Pietro Caraffa consecrated bishop?
c) 18 September 1505

5. Of which archdiocese was Giovanni Pietro Caraffa archbishop in 1549?
c) Naples

6. When was Giovanni Pietro Caraffa created cardinal?
d) 22 December 1536

7. When was Paul IV elected pope?
b) 23 May 1555

8. Whose claim to English Crown was rejected by Paul IV on the ground that she was of illegitimate birth?
a) Elizabeth

9. Which cardinal was imprisoned by Paul IV on suspicion of heresy?
d) Giovanni Morone

10. When did Paul IV die?
c) 18 August 1559