Paracelsus Quiz

Paracelsus (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Paracelsus Quiz Questions

1. What was Paracelsus’ original name?
a) Aulus Cornelius Celsus
b) Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus Von Hohenheim
c) Johann Georg Leopold Mozart
d) Andreas Libavius

2. Where was Paracelsus born?
a) Augsburg
b) Brussels
c) Einsiedeln
d) Sorbonne

3. Where did Paracelsus claim he got his doctorate?
a) Ferrara
b) Villach
c) Tubingen
d) Geneva

4. Where was Paracelsus lecturer in medicine?
a) Cologne
b) Heidelberg
c) Vienna
d) University of Basel

5. When did Paracelsus burn the books of Avicenna and Galen?
a) 5 March 1498
b) 24 June 1527
c) 19 August 1509
d) 1 November 1517

6. When did Paracelsus publish Der grossen Wundartzney?
a) 1536
b) 1526
c) 1518
d) 1509

7. Which disease did Paracelsus prove was due to inhalation of metal vapours and not a punishment for sins?
a) Pneumonia
b) Silocosis
c) Cholera
d) Leukomia

8. Which disease did Paracelsus claim could be cured by doses of mercury compounds?
a) Typhoid
b) Meningitis
c) Jaundice
d) Syphilis

9. When did Paracelsus die?
a) 3 February 1568
b) 4 July 1576
c) 24 September 1541
d) 18 December 1584

10. Where did Paracelsus die?
a) Salzburg
b) Constantinople
c) Budapest
d) Dublin

Paracelsus Quiz Questions and Answers

1. What was Paracelsus’ original name?
b) Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus Von Hohenheim

2. Where was Paracelsus born?
c) Einsiedeln

3. Where did Paracelsus claim he got his doctorate?
a) Ferrara

4. Where was Paracelsus lecturer in medicine?
d) University of Basel

5. When did Paracelsus burn the books of Avicenna and Galen?
b) 24 June 1527

6. When did Paracelsus publish Der grossen Wundartzney?
a) 1536

7. Which disease did Paracelsus prove was due to inhalation of metal vapours and not a punishment for sins?
b) Silocosis

8. Which disease did Paracelsus claim could be cured by doses of mercury compounds?
d) Syphilis

9. When did Paracelsus die?
c) 24 September 1541

10. Where did Paracelsus die?
a) Salzburg