
The Lord of the Rings Quiz

1. What is the name of the powerful ring that is the central object of the story? (a) The Ring of Power (b) The One Ring (c) The Ring of Doom (d) The Dark Lord's Ring 2. Who is the main protagonist of the story? (a) Gandalf the Grey (b) Aragorn, son of Arathorn (c) Frodo Baggins (d) Legolas Greenleaf 3. What is the name of the dark lord who seeks to dominate Middle-earth? (a) Morgoth (b) Sauron (c) Saruman (d) The Witch-king of Angmar

The Story of Ferdinand Quiz

1. What kind of animal is Ferdinand? (a) Horse (b) Dog (c) Bull (d) Cat 2. Where does Ferdinand live? (a) In a city (b) In a farm (c) In a zoo (d) In a forest 3. What does Ferdinand like to do? (a) Play with other bulls (b) Smell flowers (c) Eat grass (d) Take naps

Momo Quiz

1. What is the name of the mysterious girl who lives in the ruins of an amphitheater? (a) Lily (b) Mei (c) Momo (d) Eva 2. What unique ability does Momo possess that attracts people to her? (a) She can predict the future. (b) She can heal the sick. (c) She is an excellent storyteller. (d) She is an exceptional listener. 3. Who are the antagonists in the story who seek to steal people's time? (a) The Time Lords (b) The Grey Gentlemen (c) The Hourglass Keepers (d) The Sandmen

The BFG Quiz

1. What does the BFG stand for? (a) Big Friendly Giant (b) Big Frightening Giant (c) Big Funny Giant (d) Big Gentle Giant 2. Where does the BFG live? (a) In a castle (b) In a house (c) On top of a mountain (d) In Giant Country 3. What does the BFG eat? (a) People (b) Snozzcumber (c) Frobscottle (d) Dreams

The Railway Children Quiz

1. What is the name of the youngest child in the family? (a) Peter (b) Phyllis (c) Roberta (d) None of the above 2. Where does the family move to after their father goes away? (a) A cottage in the countryside (b) A flat in London (c) A house in the city (d) A farm in Scotland 3. What is the name of the train that the children often watch? (a) The Flying Scotsman (b) The Green Dragon (c) The Red Express (d) The Midnight Express

The Tale of Peter Rabbit Quiz

1. Where do Peter and his siblings live? (a) A cozy burrow under a tree (b) A birdhouse in the garden (c) A small cottage in the woods (d) A nest in a tall oak tree 2. What does Mrs. Rabbit warn her children not to do? (a) Go swimming in the pond (b) Play in the nearby forest (c) Go into Mr. McGregor's garden (d) Climb the tall trees 3. What does Peter wear that gets caught in a net? (a) His blue hat (b) His blue jacket (c) His brown shoes (d) His green scarf

Watership Down Quiz

1. Who is the leader of the Sandleford Warren? (a) Fiver (b) Threarah (c) Bigwig (d) Blackberry 2. What is the name of the Sandleford Warren's prophet rabbit? (a) Dandelion (b) Blackberry (c) Fiver (d) Hazel 3. Why do the rabbits leave Sandleford Warren? (a) They are looking for food (b) They are being hunted by a dog (c) Fiver has a vision of their destruction (d) They want to explore new territories

A Wrinkle in Time Quiz

1. What is the name of the mysterious substance that allows for tesseract travel? (a) Dark Matter (b) Tesseract (c) The Black Thing (d) Wrinkle in Time 2. Who is the main protagonist of the story? (a) Charles Wallace Murry (b) Calvin O'Keefe (c) Meg Murry (d) Mrs. Whatsit 3. What is the name of the evil force that threatens the universe? (a) The Dark Thing (b) The Happy Medium (c) IT (d) The Black Thing

The Tiger who came to Tea Quiz

1. What was Sophie and her Mummy doing when the tiger arrived? (a) Playing a game (b) Reading a book (c) Having tea (d) Watching TV 2. What did the tiger ask Sophie and her Mummy? (a) To play a game (b) To read him a story (c) To watch TV with him (d) To join him for tea 3. What did the tiger eat and drink? (a) Just a sandwich and a cup of tea (b) All the food and drink in the house (c) Only the sweets (d) Just the milk

The Snowy Day Quiz

1. What is the name of the main character in "The Snowy Day"? (a) Sam (b) Peter (c) Lily (d) Max 2. What is the special event that happens at the beginning of the story? (a) A birthday party (b) A school trip (c) A snowfall (d) A family picnic 3. What color is Peter's coat? (a) Blue (b) Green (c) Red (d) Yellow