
Felix IV Quiz

1. Where was Felix IV born? Samnium Viterbo Perugia TrentCorrect Answer: Samnium 2. What was Felix IV’s father’s name? Jacob Castorius Horatio TitusCorrect Answer: Castorius 3. Whose candidate was Felix IV? Vespasian Diocletian Theodoric Justinian IICorrect Answer: Theodoric 4. When was Felix IV pope? 533-535 536-537 514-523 526-530Correct Answer: 526-530 5. When was Felix IV consecrated pope? 12 January 536 22 April 533 12 July 526 21 October 514Correct Answer: 12 July 526 6. To whom did Felix IV send 25 chapters on grace and free will? Peter Abelard Clement of Alexandria Caesarius of Arles IgnatiusCorrect Answer: Caesarius of Arles ... Read more

Boniface II Quiz

11. What was Boniface II’s father’s name? Benedict Sigisbald Clement HectorCorrect Answer: Sigisbald 12. Who designated Boniface II as his successor? Donus Vitalian Felix IV SabiniusCorrect Answer: Felix IV 13. What was Boniface II at the time he became pope? Porter Lector Archdeacon AcolyteCorrect Answer: Archdeacon 14. When was Boniface II pope? 526-529 534-540 530-532 542-548Correct Answer: 530-532 15. Who was the antipope elected in opposition to Boniface II? Dioscurus Vitalian Felix IV SabiniusCorrect Answer: Dioscurus 16. Where was Boniface II consecrated pope? St. Peter’s Basilica Julian Basilica Westminster Abbey St. Mary Major BasilicaCorrect Answer: Julian Basilica 17. How many ... Read more

John II Quiz

21. What was Mercurius’ father’s name? Thomas Projectus Nathaniel BalthazarCorrect Answer: Projectus 22. At which basilica was Mercurius priest? St. Clement’s St. Paul’s St. Mark’s St. Mary MajorCorrect Answer: St. Clement’s 23. Why did Mercurius change his name on becoming pope? St. John was the beloved disciple of Jesus He was told in a dream He had made a vow Name of a pagan god was inappropriate for a popeCorrect Answer: Name of a pagan god was inappropriate for a pope 24. When was John II pope? 575-579 533-535 556-561 604-606Correct Answer: 533-535 25. When did John II become pope? ... Read more

Agapetus I Quiz

31. What was Agapetus I at the time of his election? Porter Lector Archdeacon AcolyteCorrect Answer: Archdeacon 32. When was Agapetus I pope? 535-536 538-540 542-548 555-564Correct Answer: 535-536 33. When was Agapetus I elected pope? 11 January 538 13 May 535 16 August 555 21 October 542Correct Answer: 13 May 535 34. What was the first official act of Agapetus I? Declaring a Holy Year Blessing of St. John Lateran Convocation of an ecumenical council Burning of anathema against Dioscurus issued by Boniface IICorrect Answer: Burning of anathema against Dioscurus issued by Boniface II 35. Of which diocese was ... Read more

Pelagius I Quiz

41. Who appointed Pelagius nuncio? Agapetus I Innocent II Martin IV Paul VCorrect Answer: Agapetus I 42. Of which patriarchate was Paul who was deposed by the Synod of Gaza in 542 was patriarch? Antioch Alexandria Grado JerusalemCorrect Answer: Alexandria 43. Whom did Pelagius persuade to spare the Romans? Alaric Attila Totila HannibalCorrect Answer: Totila 44. Who excommunicated Pelagius? Silverius Vigilius Pius II Innocent IICorrect Answer: Vigilius 45. Who imprisoned Pelagius? Theodosius II Constantine IV Justinian I MarcianCorrect Answer: Justinian I 46. When was Pelagius I pope? 187-191 214-216 348-356 556-561Correct Answer: 556-561 47. When was Pelagius I consecrated pope? ... Read more

Pelagius II Quiz

51. What was Pelagius II’s father’s name? Barnabas Mark Wingild PaulCorrect Answer: Wingild 52. When was Pelagius II pope? 579-590 523-526 537-555 536-537Correct Answer: 579-590 53. How long did Pelagius II wait for imperial confirmation after his election as pope? Two months Four months Six months One yearCorrect Answer: Four months 54. When was Pelagius II consecrated pope? 11 March 537 22 April 536 18 August 523 26 November 579Correct Answer: 26 November 579 55. Who was the Byzantine emperor unable to help Pelagius II against Lombards? Anastasius II Tiberius II Constantine IV Leo IIICorrect Answer: Tiberius II 56. Of ... Read more

Sabinian Quiz

61. Where was Sabinian born? Blera Vienna Orleans SalernoCorrect Answer: Blera 62. What was Sabinian’s father’s name? Symmachus Bonus Timothy AdolfCorrect Answer: Bonus 63. Who sent Sabinian as nuncio to Constantinople? St. Gregory I Severinus Boniface V DonusCorrect Answer: St. Gregory I 64. Who was the patriarch of Constantinople when Sabinian was in Constantinople? Flavian Dioscorus John IV the Faster John III ScholasticusCorrect Answer: John IV the Faster 65. When was Sabinian pope? 608-615 640-642 604-606 579-590Correct Answer: 604-606 66. When was Sabinian consecrated pope? 18 January 579 20 April 640 13 September 604 21 October 608Correct Answer: 13 September ... Read more

St. Boniface IV Quiz

71. Where was Boniface born? Tirana Reims Orleans ValeriaCorrect Answer: Valeria 72. What was St. Boniface IV’s father’s name? Horatio John Octavius LukeCorrect Answer: John 73. What was St. Boniface IV at the time of his election? Acolyte Lector Deacon BishopCorrect Answer: Deacon 74. When was St. Boniface IV pope? 619-625 642-649 608-615 604-606Correct Answer: 608-615 75. When was St. Boniface IV consecrated pope? 29 January 642 22 April 619 25 August 608 21 October 604Correct Answer: 25 August 608 76. Who permitted St. Boniface IV to convert Pantheon into a church? Phocas Maurice Heraclius Khosrow IICorrect Answer: Phocas 77. ... Read more

Honorius I Quiz

81. When was Honorius I pope? 612-616 640-645 617-623 625-638Correct Answer: 625-638 82. When was Honorius I elected pope? 15 March 640 11 April 617 12 August 612 27 October 625Correct Answer: 27 October 625 83. Whom did Honorius I send to Wessex to preach the gospel? St. Boniface St. Birinus St. Cyril St. AmbroseCorrect Answer: St. Birinus 84. Who was the archbishop of York to receive pallium from Honorius I? St. Paulinus St. Oswald Thomas of Bayeux Henry StuartCorrect Answer: St. Paulinus 85. Whom did Honorius I persuade to accept Roman liturgy and date of Easter? Angles Syrians Celts ... Read more

Severinus Quiz

91. Where was Severinus born? Rome Syracuse Carthage TunisCorrect Answer: Rome 92. What was Severinus’ father’s name? Xerxes Sennacherib Abienus HolofernesCorrect Answer: Abienus 93. When was Severinus pope? 622-636 642-648 638-640 656-671Correct Answer: 638-640 94. When was Severinus elected pope? 11 January 622 20 April 642 16 August 656 15 October 638Correct Answer: 15 October 638 95. What did Severinus refuse to endorse? Ecthesis Synthesis Decalogue PentateuchCorrect Answer: Ecthesis 96. Who withheld confirmation of Severinus’ election as pope? Justin II Alaric Heraclius Theodosius IICorrect Answer: Heraclius 97. Who occupied the Lateran Palace and seized the church’s treasure hoping to force ... Read more