Ovid Quiz

Ovid Quiz Questions

Ovid by Anton von Werner. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1. What was Ovid’s full name?
a) Publius Vergilius Maro
b) Publius Ovidius Naso
c) Quintus Horatius Flaccus
d) Lucius Varius Rufus

2. When was Ovid born?
a) 20 March 43 BC
b) 15 May 42 BC
c) 23 August 49 BC
d) 30 December 55 BC

3. Where was Ovid born?
a) Athens
b) Carthage
c) Sulmo
d) Troy

4. When did Ovid publish Amores?
a) 18 BC
b) 24 BC
c) 19 BC
d) 10 BC

5. Which book of Ovid was published in 5 BC?
a) Remedia Amoris
b) Ibis
c) Tristia
d) Ars Amatoria

6. How many times did Ovid marry?
a) Once
b) Twice
c) Thrice
d) Never

7. Who exiled Ovid?
a) Tiberius
b) Augustus
c) Claudius
d) Titus

8. Which book of Ovid is about Roman calendar and festivals?
a) Heroides
b) Metamorphoses
c) Nux
d) Fasti

9. When did Ovid publish Epistulae ex Ponto?
a) 24 AD
b) 10 AD
c) 22 AD
d) 18 AD

10. Where did Ovid die?
a) Bucharest
b) Vienna
c) Budapest
d) Tomis

Ovid Quiz Questions with Answers

Publius Ovidius Naso and Plato in the Nuremberg Chronicle, also known as the Liber Chronicarum The Morse Library of the Benoit College has a very strict license for the use of images from the book http://www.beloit.edu/~nurember/copyright.htm. Despite this, it could well be argued that images from this book is in the public domain since it was published before 1922. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1. What was Ovid’s full name?
b) Publius Ovidius Naso

2. When was Ovid born?
a) 20 March 43 BC

3. Where was Ovid born?
c) Sulmo

4. When did Ovid publish Amores?
d) 10 BC

5. Which book of Ovid was published in 5 BC?
a) Remedia Amoris

6. How many times did Ovid marry?
c) Thrice

7. Who exiled Ovid?
b) Augustus

8. Which book of Ovid is about Roman calendar and festivals?
d) Fasti

9. When did Ovid publish Epistulae ex Ponto?
b) 10 AD

10. Where did Ovid die?
d) Tomis