Ohio Quiz

1. When did Ohio become a state of USA?
  • Correct Answer: 1 March 1803

2. Which state is to the east of Ohio?
  • Correct Answer: Pennsylvania

3. Which lake is to the north of Ohio?
  • Correct Answer: Lake Erie

4. Which is Ohio’s state flower?
  • Correct Answer: Scarlet carnation

5. Which is the capital of Ohio?
  • Correct Answer: Columbus

6. Who designed Ohio’s flag?
  • Correct Answer: John Eisenmann

7. Which is the highest point in Ohio?
  • Correct Answer: Campbell Hill

8. Which is Ohio’s state tree?
  • Correct Answer: Buckeye

9. Who of the following presidents of USA was not born in Ohio?
  • Correct Answer: William Henry Harrison

10. Who of the following presidents of USA was born in Ohio?
  • Correct Answer: William Taft