Nobel Prize 2020 Quiz

Nobel Prize 2020 Quiz Questions

1) Who won Nobel Prize 2020 for Medicine?
a) Bruce Beutler, Jules Hoffman, Ralph Steinman
b) Francoise Barre-Sinousi, Luc Montagnier, Harald zur Hausen
c) Carol W. Greider, Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Jack W. Szostak
d) Harvey J. Alter, Charles M. Rice, Michael Houghton

2) For what was Nobel Prize 2020 for Medicine given?
a) Work on serum therapy
b) Work on Anaphylaxis
c) Discovery of Hepatitis C Virus
d) Improvement in surgical instruments

3) Who won Nobel Prize 2020 for Physics?
a) Saul Perlmutter, Brian Schmidt, Adam Riess
b) Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel, Andrea Ghez
c) Charles Kao, Willard S. Boyle, George Smith
d) Werner Heisenberg

4) For what was Nobel Prize 2020 for Physics given?
a) Discovery of black hole formation and a supermassive compact object
b) Photographic reproduction of colours
c) Studies of exploding stars that revealed the expansion of the universe is accelerating
d) Creation of quantum mechanics

5) Who won Nobel Prize 2020 for Chemistry?
a) Daniel Shechtman
b) Emmanuelle Charpentier, Jennifer Doudna
c) Svante Arthenius
d) Linus Pauling

6) For what was Nobel Prize 2020 for Chemistry given?
a) Discovery of quasicrystals
b) For having showed what the ribosome looks like and now it functions at the atomic level
c) Synthesis of ammonia
d) Development of a method for genome editing

7) Who won Nobel Prize 2020 for Literature?
a) Louise Gluck
b) Romain Rolland
c) Herta Mueller
d) Thomas Mann

8) For what was Nobel Prize 2020 for Literature given?
a) Novels, essays and dramas deeply involved with pacificism
b) Unmistakable poetic voice that with austere beauty makes individual existence universal
c) Surrealistic works which through condensed translucent images gave fresh access to
d) Essaying showing awareness of fragility of humaneness and tolerance

9) Who won Nobel Prize 2020 for Peace?
a) Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee, Tawakkal Karman
b) Wangari Maathai
c) World Food Programme
d) Red Cross

10) For what was Nobel Prize 2020 for Peace given?
a) Peace in Palestine
b) Work in Iran
c) Promoting intenational diplomacy, co-operation among peoples and world free from
nuclear arms
d) For its efforts to combat hunger, for its contribution to bettering peace in conflict –
affected areas and for acting as a driving force in efforts to prevent the use of hunger
as a weapon of war and conflict

Nobel Prize 2020 Quiz Questions with Answers

1) Who won Nobel Prize 2020 for Medicine?
d) Harvey J. Alter, Charles M. Rice, Michael Houghton

2) For what was Nobel Prize 2020 for Medicine given?
c) Discovery of Hepatitis C Virus

3) Who won Nobel Prize 2020 for Physics?
b) Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel, Andrea Ghez

4) For what was Nobel Prize 2020 for Physics given?
a) Discovery of black hole formation and a supermassive compact object

5) Who won Nobel Prize 2020 for Chemistry?
b) Emmanuelle Charpentier, Jennifer Doudna

6) For what was Nobel Prize 2020 for Chemistry given?
d) Development of a method for genome editing

7) Who won Nobel Prize 2020 for Literature?
a) Louise Gluck

8) For what was Nobel Prize 2020 for Literature given?
b) Unmistakable poetic voice that with austere beauty makes individual existence universal

9) Who won Nobel Prize 2020 for Peace?
c) World Food Programme

10) For what was Nobel Prize 2020 for Peace given?
d) For its efforts to combat hunger, for its contribution to bettering peace in conflict –
affected areas and for acting as a driving force in efforts to prevent the use of hunger
as a weapon of war and conflict

Photo by AlphaTangoBravo / Adam Baker