Nicholas IV Quiz

(Nicholas IV is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.)

1. When was Girolamo Masci born?
a) 26 October 1209
b) 6 April 1218
c) 19 August 1226
d) 30 September 1227

2. Which order did Girolamo Masci join?
a) Dominican
b) Benedictine
c) Franciscan
d) Redemptorist

3. Who sent Girolamo Masci to Constantinople in 1272?
a) Leo X
b) Gregory X
c) Benedict XV
d) Adrian VI

4. What was Girolamo Masci’s post in 1274-1279?
a) Consul General
b) Governor General
c) Minister General
d) Surveyor General

5. When was Nicholas IV elected pope?
a) 22 February 1288
b) 9 May 1276
c) 15 July 1286
d) 14 November 1280

6. Against whom did Nicholas IV issue a bull in 1290?
a) Apostolici
b) Lutherans
c) Calvinists
d) Quakers

7. Between which two kingdoms did Nicholas IV end war in 1291?
a) Portugal and Ireland
b) Scotland and Norway
c) Aragon and France
d) Austria and Bohemia

8. Which Palestinian fortress fell to Egypt in 1291?
a) Bethlehem
b) Tyre
c) Sidon
d) Acre

9. Whom did Nicholas IV send to Kublai Khan’s court?
a) Isaac Jogues
b) Reginald Pole
c) Giovanni da Montecorvino
d) Jean Villot

10. When did Nicholas IV die?
a) 18 March 1298
b) 4 April 1292
c) 26 September 1294
d) 6 October 1296

Nicholas IV Quiz Answers

1. When was Girolamo Masci born?
d) 30 September 1227

2. Which order did Girolamo Masci join?
c) Franciscan

3. Who sent Girolamo Masci to Constantinople in 1272?
b) Gregory X

4. What was Girolamo Masci’s post in 1274-1279?
c) Minister General

5. When was Nicholas IV elected pope?
a) 22 February 1288

6. Against whom did Nicholas IV issue a bull in 1290?
a) Apostolici

7. Between which two kingdoms did Nicholas IV end war in 1291?
c) Aragon and France

8. Which Palestinian fortress fell to Egypt in 1291?
d) Acre