Nicholas II Quiz

(Nicholas II is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.)

1. Where was Gerard de Bourgogne born?
  • Correct Answer: Chevron

2. Where was Gerard de Bourgogne canon?
  • Correct Answer: Liege

3. Of which diocese was Gerard de Bourgogne bishop?
  • Correct Answer: Florence

4. What name was taken by John Mincius, the antipope elected by two cardinals?
  • Correct Answer: Benedict X

5. Where was Nicholas II elected pope?
  • Correct Answer: Siena

6. When was Nicholas II enthroned pope?
  • Correct Answer: 24 January 1059

7. Whom did Nicholas II invest as duke of Apulia, Calabria and Sicily?
  • Correct Answer: Robert Guiscard

8. Where did Patarine movement create a crisis?
  • Correct Answer: Milan

9. When did Nicholas II die?
  • Correct Answer: 27 August 1061

10. Where did Nicholas II die?
  • Correct Answer: Florence