New Hampshire Quiz

1. Which state is to the east of New Hampshire?
  • Correct Answer: Maine

2. Which state is to the west of New Hampshire?
  • Correct Answer: Vermont

3. Which state is to the south of New Hampshire?
  • Correct Answer: Massachusetts

4. When was New Hampshire separated from Massachusetts?
  • Correct Answer: 1679

5. Who was New Hampshire’s governor in 1741-1767?
  • Correct Answer: Benning Wentworth

6. Which is the capital of New Hampshire?
  • Correct Answer: Concord

7. Who of the following presidents of USA was born in New Hampshire?
  • Correct Answer: Franklin Pierce

8. Where was the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference held in 1944?
  • Correct Answer: Bretton Woods

9. Which is the highest point in New Hampshire?
  • Correct Answer: Mount Washington

10. Which is the largest lake in New Hampshire?
  • Correct Answer: Lake Winnipesaukee