Minnesota Quiz

1. When did Minnesota become a state of USA?
  • Correct Answer: 11 May 1858

2. Which county is to the north of Minnesota?
  • Correct Answer: Canada

3. Which state is to the east of Minnesota?
  • Correct Answer: Wisconsin

4. Which state is to the south of Minnesota?
  • Correct Answer: Iowa

5. What is the motto of Minnesota?
  • Correct Answer: L’Etoile du nord

6. Which is the capital of Minnesota?
  • Correct Answer: St. Paul

7. Which is Minnesota’s state bird?
  • Correct Answer: Loon

8. Which is Minnesota’s state flower?
  • Correct Answer: Lady’s slipper

9. Which is the highest point in Minnesota?
  • Correct Answer: Eagle Mountain

10. What is the area of Minnesota?
  • Correct Answer: 84,402 sq. mi.