Milky Way Quiz

Artist’s conception of the Milky Way galaxy as seen from far Galactic North (in Coma Berenices) by NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt annotated with arms (colour-coded according to Milky Way article) as well as distances from the Solar System and galactic longitude with corresponding constellation. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Milky Way Quiz Questions

1) What is the Milky Way?
a) Galaxy
b) Star
c) Planet
d) Comet

2) How far is the Sun from the centre of the Milky Way?
a) 2 light years
b) 10 light years
c) 2000 light years
d) 26000 light years

3) What is the centre of the Milky Way called?
a) Centre Point
b) Galactic Centre
c) Eye of the storm
d) Planetary Centre

4) What type of galaxy is the Milky Way?
a) Lenticular galaxy
b) Spiral galaxy
c) Elliptical galaxy
d) Irregular galaxy

Our Milky Way Gets a Makeover (NASA) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

5) What is the length of the diameter of the Milky Way?
a) 2257 light years
b) 100000 light years
c) 6000 light years
d) 48000 light years

6) When was the last supernova in the Milky Way well observed?
a) 1604
b) 1571
c) 1517
d) 1216

7) Within which spiral arm the solar system is situated?
a) Orion Arm
b) Perseus Arm
c) Sagittarius Arm
d) White Arm

8) Who in 1783 discovered the motion of the solar system between the neighbouring stars?
a) Asaph Hall
b) William Herschel
c) Simon Marius
d) Johannes Kepler

9) Which part of the Milky Way contains the oldest stars?
a) Disk
b) Halo
c) Galactic Centre
d) Nuclear Bulge

10) Who is credited with the discovery of the Milky Way?
a) Aristotle
b) Democritus
c) Plato
d) Socrates

The Spitzer Space Telescope’s broad infrared view of our Milky Way Galaxy. The image was created from more than 800,000 frames, so it is the most detailed infrared picture of our galaxy to date. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Milky Way Quiz Questions with Answers

1) What is the Milky Way?
a) Galaxy

2) How far is the Sun from the centre of the Milky Way?
d) 26000 light years

3) What is the centre of the Milky Way called?
b) Galactic Centre

4) What type of galaxy is the Milky Way?
b) Spiral galaxy

5) What is the length of the diameter of the Milky Way?
b) 100000 light years

6) When was the last supernova in the Milky Way well observed?
a) 1604

William Herschel (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

7) Within which spiral arm the solar system is situated?
a) Orion Arm

8) Who in 1783 discovered the motion of the solar system between the neighbouring stars?
b) William Herschel

9) Which part of the Milky Way contains the oldest stars?
b) Halo

10) Who is credited with the discovery of the Milky Way?
b) Democritus