MI6 Quiz

1) What is the official name of MI6?
a) Secret Intelligence Service
b) Home Service
c) Defence Service
d) Foreign Service

2) What does MI mean in MI6?
a) Maximum Impact
b) Military Intelligence
c) Minimum Income
d) Mental Inertia

3) When was Foreign Section of the Secret Service Bureau set up?
a) 1901
b) 1907
c) 1909
d) 1914

4) Who was the first Head of Foreign Section of the Secret Service Bureau?
a) David Spedding
b) Mansfield Cumming
c) Richard Dearlove
d) Sidney Reilly

5) When did MI6 take charge of Government Code & Cypher School?
a) 1914
b) 1918
c) 1919
d) 1924

6) Who was a KGB agent, held an important position in MI6 and defected to USSR in 1963?
a) Guy Burgess
b) Anthony Blunt
c) Kim Philby
d) Donald Maclean

7) Who is the most famous fictional secret agent of MI6?
a) Archibald Blofeld
b) Sue Baker
c) Lewis Libby
d) James Bond

8) Which Act put MI6 under Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary?
a) Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
b) Intelligence Services Act
c) Counter Intelligence Act
d) National Security Act

9) How is MI6 known internally?
a) The Company
b) The Firm
c) The Factory
d) The Estate

10) Where are the headquarters of MI6?
a) Tower of London
b) Kensington Palace
c) Parliament House
d) Vauxhall Cross

MI6 Quiz Answers

1) What is the official name of MI6?
a) Secret Intelligence Service

2) What does MI mean in MI6?
b) Military Intelligence

3) When was Foreign Section of the Secret Service Bureau set up?
c) 1909

4) Who was the first Head of Foreign Section of the Secret Service Bureau?
b) Mansfield Cumming

5) When did MI6 take charge of Government Code & Cypher School?
c) 1919

6) Who was a KGB agent, held an important position in MI6 and defected to USSR in 1963?
c) Kim Philby

7) Who is the most famous fictional secret agent of MI6?
d) James Bond

8) Which Act put MI6 under Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary?
b) Intelligence Services Act

9) How is MI6 known internally?
b) The Firm

10) Where are the headquarters of MI6?
d) Vauxhall Cross