Maurice Wilkins Quiz

Maurice Wilkins Quiz Questions

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1. When did Maurice Wilkins get Nobel Prize for Medicine?
a) 1957
b) 1949
c) 1962
d) 1976

2. When was Maurice Wilkins born?
a) 3 January 1912
b) 24 June 1916
c) 17 September 1921
d) 15 December 1916

3. Where was Maurice Wilkins born?
a) Dunedin
b) Pongaroa
c) Hamilton
d) Christchurch

4. Which school did Maurice Wilkins attend?
a) King Edward’s School
b) St. Patrick’s School
c) Queen Mary School
d) Holy Family School

5. Which college did Maurice Wilkins attend?
a) Christ’s College
b) St. John’s College
c) Trinity College
d) Winchester College

6. For what did Maurice Wilkins win Nobel Prize?
a) Discoveries concerning the molecular structure of DNA
b) Discoveries about nerve cell membrane
c) Deciphering the genetic code
d) Work on thyroid gland

7. When was Maurice Wilkins professor of biophysics at King’s College?
a) 1970-1981
b) 1963-1969
c) 1954-1962
d) 1982-1986

8. When was Maurice Wilkins’ autobiography The Third Man of the Double Helix published?
a) 1998
b) 2003
c) 1902
d) 2001

9. When did Maurice Wilkins die?
a) 14 February 1996
b) 30 May 2006
c) 4 August 2002
d) 6 December 2004

10. Where did Maurice Wilkins die?
a) Berlin
b) Vienna
c) London
d) Waterloo

Maurice Wilkins Quiz Questions and Answers

1. When did Maurice Wilkins get Nobel Prize for Medicine?
c) 1962

2. When was Maurice Wilkins born?
d) 15 December 1916

3. Where was Maurice Wilkins born?
b) Pongaroa

4. Which school did Maurice Wilkins attend?
a) King Edward’s School

5. Which college did Maurice Wilkins attend?
b) St. John’s College

6. For what did Maurice Wilkins win Nobel Prize?
a) Discoveries concerning the molecular structure of DNA

7. When was Maurice Wilkins professor of biophysics at King’s College?
a) 1970-1981

8. When was Maurice Wilkins’ autobiography The Third Man of the Double Helix published?
b) 2003

9. When did Maurice Wilkins die?
d) 6 December 2004

10. Where did Maurice Wilkins die?
c) London