Massachusetts Quiz

1. When did the Mayflower reach Cape Cod?
  • Correct Answer: 21 November 1620

2. How many male passengers signed the Mayflower Compact?
  • Correct Answer: 41

3. Who was Massachusetts Bay Colony’s first governor?
  • Correct Answer: John Winthrop

4. When was the Boston Tea Party?
  • Correct Answer: 16 December 1773

5. Which ocean is to the east of Massachusetts?
  • Correct Answer: Atlantic

6. Which state is to the west of Massachusetts?
  • Correct Answer: New York

7. Which is the capital of Massachusetts?
  • Correct Answer: Boston

8. What is the motto of Massachusetts?
  • Correct Answer: Ense petit placidam sub liberate quietem

9. Who of the following presidents of USA was not born in Massachusetts?
  • Correct Answer: Calvin Coolidge

10. Who of the following presidents of USA was born in Massachusetts?
  • Correct Answer: George Herbert Walker Bush