Martin V Quiz

Martin V Quiz Questions

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1. When was Martin V elected pope?
a) 1 January 1414
b) 14 May 1412
c) 15 September 1416
d) 11 November 1417

2. Which council was going on when Martin V was elected pope?
a) Ephesus
b) Constance
c) Lateran II
d) Lateran III

3. What came to an end with the election of Martin V as pope?
a) Eastern Schism
b) Great Schism
c) Reformation
d) Counter Reformation

4. Why did Martin V remain in Florence for a year after his election?
a) It was his birth place.
b) He liked the weather.
c) Rome was in ruins.
d) Rome was flooded.

5. When was the Battle of Aquila?
a) 14 February 1435
b) 2 June 1424
c) 15 September 1427
d) 8 December 1437

6. Who was defeated in the Battle of Aquila?
a) Alonso Borgia
b) Machiavelli
c) Braccio da Montone
d) Cesare Borgia

7. Which war was going on between England and France at the time of Martin V?
a) Seven Years’ War
b) Hundred Years’ War
c) Peninsular War
d) War of Spanish Succession.

8. Which council did Martin V call in 1431?
a) Basel
b) Pavia
c) Sienna
d) Florence

9. When did Martin V die?
a) 20 February 1431
b) 22 June 1432
c) 11 September 1436
d) 14 November 1437

10. Where did Martin V die?
a) Avignon
b) Berlin
c) Paris
d) Rome

Martin V Quiz Questions with Answers

1. When was Martin V elected pope?
d) 11 November 1417

2. Which council was going on when Martin V was elected pope?
b) Constance

3. What came to an end with the election of Martin V as pope?
b) Great Schism

4. Why did Martin V remain in Florence for a year after his election?
c) Rome was in ruins.

5. When was the Battle of Aquila?
b) 2 June 1424

6. Who was defeated in the Battle of Aquila?
c) Braccio da Montone

7. Which war was going on between England and France at the time of Martin V?
b) Hundred Years’ War

8. Which council did Martin V call in 1431?
a) Basel

9. When did Martin V die?
a) 20 February 1431

10. Where did Martin V die?
d) Rome