Martin Luther Quiz

Martin Luther Quiz Questions

1. When was Martin Luther born?
a) 18 May 1456
b) 12 March 1476
c) 22 July 1480
d) 10 November 1483

2. When did Martin Luther join the Augustinians?
a) 7 January 1466
b) 19 June 1486
c) 17 July 1505
d) 11 December 1501

3. Who came to sell indulgences in Juterborg, near Wittenberg, in 1517?
a) John Hus
b) John Tetzel
c) John Wycliffe
d) John Knox

4. When did Martin Luther nail the 95 theses against the sale of indulgences?
a) 1 February 1522
b) 7 April 1521
c) 11 September 1519
d) 31 October 1517

5. Where did Cardinal Cajetan examine Martin Luther?
a) Augsburg
b) Rome
c) Milan
d) Lisbon

6. Which bull issued by Leo X on 9 November 1518 defined the doctrine of indulgences?
a) Cum postquam
b) Unigenitus Dei Filius
c) Extra omnes
d) In Eminenti

7. By which bull did Leo X excommunicate Martin Luther?
a) Benedictus Deus
b) Aeterni Patris
c) Decet Romanum Pontificem
d) Sanctissimus Dominus

8. Where, on 18 April 1521, did Martin Luther defend his teachings?
a) Diet of Worms
b) Consistory at Avignon
c) Parliament in London
d) Estates General in Paris

9. When did Martin Luther die?
a) 18 February 1546
b) 14 May 1555
c) 23 August 1548
d) 7 December 1554

10. Where did Martin Luther die?
a) Berlin
b) Rome
c) Eisleben
d) Leipzig

Martin Luther Quiz Questions with Answers

1. When was Martin Luther born?
d) 10 November 1483

2. When did Martin Luther join the Augustinians?
c) 17 July 1505

3. Who came to sell indulgences in Juterborg, near Wittenberg, in 1517?
b) John Tetzel

4. When did Martin Luther nail the 95 theses against the sale of indulgences?
d) 31 October 1517

5. Where did Cardinal Cajetan examine Martin Luther?
a) Augsburg

6. Which bull issued by Leo X on 9 November 1518 defined the doctrine of indulgences?
a) Cum postquam

7. By which bull did Leo X excommunicate Martin Luther?
c) Decet Romanum Pontificem

8. Where, on 18 April 1521, did Martin Luther defend his teachings?
a) Diet of Worms

9. When did Martin Luther die?
a) 18 February 1546

10. Where did Martin Luther die?
c) Eisleben