Martin IV Quiz

King – A novel by Vincent Augustine D’souza.

(Martin IV is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.)

1. Who appointed Simon de Brion chancellor of France in 1260?
a) Clovis II
b) Louis IX
c) Philip IV
d) Charles Martel

2. Who created Simon de Brion cardinal?
a) Alexander V
b) Pius II
c) Urban IV
d) John V

3. When was Martin IV elected pope?
a) 22 February 1281
b) 5 August 1269
c) 22 April 1260
d) 19 November 1278

4. Where was Martin IV elected pope?
a) Rome
b) Lyons
c) Paris
d) Viterbo

5. Where was Martin IV crowned?
a) Anagni
b) Orvieto
c) Geneva
d) Avignon

6. How is the massacre of the French on 31 March 1282 in Sicily known?
a) French Lauds
b) Italian Matins
c) Sicilian Lauds
d) Sicilian Vespers

7. Whom did Martin IV restore as Roman Senator?
a) William of Normandy
b) William of Orange
c) Ferdinand II
d) Charles of Anjou

8. Which Byzantine Emperor did Martin IV excommunicate?
a) Constantine II
b) Michael VIII Palaeologus
c) Justin III
d) Andronicus III Palaeologus

9. When did Martin IV die?
a) 28 March 1285
b) 3 May 1286
c) 25 August 1287
d) 29 October 1289

10. Where did Martin IV die?
a) Rome
b) Venice
c) Perugia
d) Florence

Martin IV Quiz Answers

1. Who appointed Simon de Brion chancellor of France in 1260?
b) Louis IX

2. Who created Simon de Brion cardinal?
c) Urban IV

3. When was Martin IV elected pope?
a) 22 February 1281

4. Where was Martin IV elected pope?
d) Viterbo

5. Where was Martin IV crowned?
b) Orvieto

6. How is the massacre of the French on 31 March 1282 in Sicily known?
d) Sicilian Vespers

7. Whom did Martin IV restore as Roman Senator?
d) Charles of Anjou

8. Which Byzantine Emperor did Martin IV excommunicate?
b) Michael VIII Palaeologus

9. When did Martin IV die?
a) 28 March 1285

10. Where did Martin IV die?
c) Perugia