Marc Chagall Quiz

1. When was Marc Chagall born?
  • Correct Answer: 7 July 1887

2. Where was Marc Chagall born?
  • Correct Answer: Vitebsk

3. When did Marc Chagall paint The Dead Man?
  • Correct Answer: 1908

4. Which of the following paintings did Marc Chagall paint in 1911?
  • Correct Answer: I and the Village

5. Who commissioned Marc Chagall to create etchings of Nikolay Gogol’s novel Dead Souls?
  • Correct Answer: Ambroise Vollard

6. When was Marc Chagall’s autobiography My Life published?
  • Correct Answer: 1931

7. How many etchings did Marc Chagall make for the Bible?
  • Correct Answer: 105

8. For which ballet did Marc Chagall design backdrops and costumes in 1945?
  • Correct Answer: The Firebird

9. When did Marc Chagall die?
  • Correct Answer: 28 March 1985

10. Where did Marc Chagall die?
  • Correct Answer: Saint-Paul