Libya Quiz

Libya Quiz Questions

Orthographic map of Libya Español: Mapa Ortográfico de Libia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1) Who was deposed in 1969 as King of Libya?
a) Farokh
b) Idris
c) Nooruddin
d) Saladin

2) What is the colour of the flag of Libya before Muammar Gaddafi was toppled?
a) Blue
b) Green
c) Red
d) Yellow

3) When did Italy invade Libya?
a) 1907
b) 1911
c) 1914
d) 1918

4) Who came to power in Libya in 1969?
a) Idi Amin
b) Anwar Sadat
c) Muammar Gaddafi
d) Hafeez Al Assad

The flag of Libya (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

5) When did Libya declare its Independence?
a) 21 November 1949
b) 24 December 1951
c) 1 January 1952
d) 1 September 1969

6) How much payment did Libya agree to pay to the families of victims of Lockerbie bombing 1988?
a) $ 270 million
b) $ 2.7 billion
c) $ 540 million
d) $ 680 million

Muammar Gaddafi at the 12th AU summit, February 2, 2009, in Addis Abeba. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

7) When did USA bomb Libya?
a) 1982
b) 1984
c) 1986
d) 1988

8) Which country is to the east of Libya?
a) Egypt
b) Morocco
c) Algeria
d) Tunisia

9) Which is the official language of Libya?
a) Arabic
b) Coptic
c) English
d) Italian

10) Which Gulf is to the north of Libya?
a) Gulf of Aden
b) Persian Gulf
c) Gulf of Sidra
d) Gulf of Oman

Libya Quiz Questions with Answers

1) Who was deposed in 1969 as King of Libya?
b) Idris

King Idris I of Libya (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

2) What is the colour of the flag of Libya before Muammar Gaddafi was toppled?
b) Green

3) When did Italy invade Libya?
b) 1911

4) Who came to power in Libya in 1969?
c) Muammar Gaddafi

5) When did Libya declare its Independence?
b) 24 December 1951

6) How much payment did Libya agree to pay to the families of victims of Lockerbie bombing 1988?
b) $ 2.7 billion

7) When did USA bomb Libya?
c) 1986

8) Which country is to the east of Libya?
a) Egypt

9) Which is the official language of Libya?
a) Arabic

10) Which Gulf is to the north of Libya?
c) Gulf of Sidra