Leo IV Quiz

1. Which order did Leo join?
  • Correct Answer: Benedictine

2. Under whom did Leo serve in the Curia?
  • Correct Answer: Gregory IV

3. Who created Leo cardinal?
  • Correct Answer: Sergius II

4. When was Leo IV pope?
  • Correct Answer: 847-855

5. Against whom was the alliance formed by Leo IV was victorious off Ostia in 849?
  • Correct Answer: Saracens

6. Which town was named Leopoli in honour of Leo IV?
  • Correct Answer: Civitavecchia

7. Whom did Leo IV crown co-emperor?
  • Correct Answer: Louis II

8. Who was the archbishop of Reims censured by Leo IV?
  • Correct Answer: Hincmar

9. Who was the cardinal excommunicated by Leo IV?
  • Correct Answer: Anastasius

10. When did Leo IV die?
  • Correct Answer: 17 July 855