Lent Quiz

Lent Quiz Questions

Ashes imposed on the forehead of a Christian on Ash Wednesday. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1) Which is the first day of Lent?
a) Ash Wednesday
b) Valentine’s Day
c) Shrove Tuesday
d) Maundy Thursday

2) What is the original meaning of Lent?
a) Autumn
b) Spring
c) Fast
d) Penance

3) Which is the last Sunday of Lent?
a) Easter Sunday
b) Whit Sunday
c) Palm Sunday
d) Pentecost Sunday

4) Lent is said to be of 40 days even though from Ash Wednesday to last Saturday of the season it is 46 days. Why?
a) Sundays are not included
b) Mondays are not included
c) Counting error
d) Saturdays are not included

5) Which feast day always comes during Lent?
a) Annunciation
b) Assumption
c) St. Joseph’s Feast
d) Presentation

6) How ash for Ash Wednesday is made?
a) By burning palms used during previous Palm Sunday
b) By burning logs
c) By burning books
d) By burning clothes

7) On which day is Chrism Mass?
a) Ash Wednesday
b) Maundy Thursday
c) Good Friday
d) Palm Sunday

8) What is special about Good Friday?
a) Day of fast
b) Day of abstinence
c) Day of penance
d) Day when mass is not celebrated

9) Which devotion has special place during Lent?
a) Novena
b) Triduum
c) Stations of the cross
d) Retreat

10) Which of the following does not take place on Good Friday?
a) Intercessory prayers
b) Communion
c) Consecration
d) Veneration of the cross

Lent Quiz Questions with Answers

1) Which is the first day of Lent?
a) Ash Wednesday

2) What is the original meaning of Lent?
b) Spring

3) Which is the last Sunday of Lent?
c) Palm Sunday

4) Lent is said to be of 40 days even though from Ash Wednesday to last Saturday of the season it is 46 days. Why?
a) Sundays are not included

5) Which feast day always comes during Lent?
c) St. Joseph’s Feast

6) How ash for Ash Wednesday is made?
a) By burning palms used during previous Palm Sunday

7) On which day is Chrism Mass?
b) Maundy Thursday

8) What is special about Good Friday?
d) Day when mass is not celebrated

9) Which devotion has special place during Lent?
c) Stations of the cross

10) Which of the following does not take place on Good Friday?
c) Consecration

Easter Quiz Questions with Answers