Langston Hughes Quiz

Langston Hughes Quiz Questions

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1. What was Langston Hughes’ primary profession?
(a) Painter
(b) Musician
(c) Writer
(d) Actor

2. In what city was Langston Hughes born?
(a) New York City
(b) Chicago
(c) Joplin, Missouri
(d) Harlem, New York

3. Langston Hughes was a prominent figure in what literary movement?
(a) Romanticism
(b) Harlem Renaissance
(c) Modernism
(d) Realism

4. Which of the following is NOT a famous poem by Langston Hughes?
(a) “I, Too Sing America”
(b) “The Weary Blues”
(c) “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”
(d) “Mother to Son”

5. Langston Hughes was known for his use of what poetic style?
(a) Free verse
(b) Sonnet
(c) Haiku
(d) Ballad

6. In the poem “I, Too Sing America,” what does the speaker imagine himself doing at the table?
(a) Reading a book
(b) Eating a meal
(c) Singing a song
(d) Writing a poem

7. What is the central theme of Langston Hughes’ poem “Harlem”?
(a) The perils of racism
(b) The importance of education
(c) The allure of fame and fortune
(d) The deferred dreams of African Americans

8.In “Mother to Son,” what metaphor does the speaker use to describe life?
(a) A staircase
(b) A garden
(c) A river
(d) A mountain

9. What is the tone of the poem “Weary Blues”?
(a) Optimistic
(b) Melancholy
(c) Angry
(d) Humorous

10. In the poem “The Negro Speaks of Rivers,” what rivers does the speaker mention?
(a) Nile, Mississippi, Congo, Euphrates
(b) Amazon, Danube, Volga, Yangtze
(c) Thames, Seine, Tiber, Hudson
(d) Ganges, Indus, Brahmaputra, Mekong

11. Langston Hughes was a member of what political organization?
(a) Communist Party
(b) Democratic Party
(c) Republican Party
(d) Green Party

12. Who was a significant influence on Langston Hughes’ early life?
(a) Walt Whitman
(b) Emily Dickinson
(c) Countee Cullen
(d) Zora Neale Hurston

13. Langston Hughes’ work often reflected the experiences of which group?
(a) Native Americans
(b) Asian Americans
(c) African Americans
(d) Hispanic Americans

14. What historical event significantly impacted Langston Hughes’ writing?
(a) The Civil War
(b) The Great Depression
(c) World War II
(d) The Vietnam War

15. Langston Hughes was involved in which of the following social movements?
(a) Civil Rights Movement
(b) Feminist Movement
(c) Labor Movement
(d) Environmental Movement

16. What is a common theme in Langston Hughes’ poetry?
(a) The beauty of nature
(b) The complexities of love
(c) The struggle for racial equality
(d) The inevitability of death

17. How does Langston Hughes use language and imagery to convey his message?
(a) Complex metaphors and symbolism
(b) Simple, direct language
(c) Abstract and philosophical concepts
(d) Historical references and allusions

18. The poem “Weary Blues” features:
(a) A jazz musician
(b) A struggling artist
(c) A heartbroken lover
(d) A weary traveler

19. Hughes’s plays often dealt with:
(a) Historical events
(b) Family dramas
(c) Social issues
(d) Fantasy and science fiction

20. Which of the following is a collection of Hughes’s poems?
(a) “The Great Gatsby”
(b) “The Waste Land”
(c) “The Weary Blues”
(d) “Selected Poems of Langston Hughes”

21. Hughes’s writing often reflected the experiences of:
(a) The middle class
(b) The working class
(c) The upper class
(d) The aristocracy

22. The poem “Dreams” encourages:
(a) Giving up on one’s aspirations
(b) Pursuing one’s dreams despite obstacles
(c) Living in the past
(d) Avoiding risk

23. The poem “Mulatto” explores:
(a) The experiences of mixed-race individuals
(b) The challenges of aging
(c) The joys of childhood
(d) The beauty of nature

24. The poem “Theme for English B” reflects:
(a) Hughes’s struggles as a student
(b) His identity as an African American
(c) His love for poetry
(d) His experiences as a soldier

25. In “I, Too Sing America,” what does the speaker hope for?
(a) To be a famous writer
(b) To travel the world
(c) To be treated equally
(d) To own a home

Langston Hughes Quiz Questions with Answers

1. What was Langston Hughes’ primary profession?
(c) Writer

2. In what city was Langston Hughes born?
(c) Joplin, Missouri

3. Langston Hughes was a prominent figure in what literary movement?
(b) Harlem Renaissance

4. Which of the following is NOT a famous poem by Langston Hughes?
(c) “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”

5. Langston Hughes was known for his use of what poetic style?
(a) Free verse

6. In the poem “I, Too Sing America,” what does the speaker imagine himself doing at the table?
(b) Eating a meal

7. What is the central theme of Langston Hughes’ poem “Harlem”?
(d) The deferred dreams of African Americans

8.In “Mother to Son,” what metaphor does the speaker use to describe life?
(a) A staircase

9. What is the tone of the poem “Weary Blues”?
(b) Melancholy

10. In the poem “The Negro Speaks of Rivers,” what rivers does the speaker mention?
(a) Nile, Mississippi, Congo, Euphrates

11. Langston Hughes was a member of what political organization?
(a) Communist Party

12. Who was a significant influence on Langston Hughes’ early life?
(a) Walt Whitman

13. Langston Hughes’ work often reflected the experiences of which group?
(c) African Americans

14. What historical event significantly impacted Langston Hughes’ writing?
(a) The Civil War

15. Langston Hughes was involved in which of the following social movements?
(a) Civil Rights Movement

16. What is a common theme in Langston Hughes’ poetry?
(c) The struggle for racial equality

17. How does Langston Hughes use language and imagery to convey his message?
(a) Complex metaphors and symbolism

18. The poem “Weary Blues” features:
(a) A jazz musician

19. Hughes’s plays often dealt with:
(c) Social issues

20. Which of the following is a collection of Hughes’s poems?
(d) “Selected Poems of Langston Hughes”

21. Hughes’s writing often reflected the experiences of:
(b) The working class

22. The poem “Dreams” encourages:
(b) Pursuing one’s dreams despite obstacles

23. The poem “Mulatto” explores:
(a) The experiences of mixed-race individuals

24. The poem “Theme for English B” reflects:
(b) His identity as an African American

25. In “I, Too Sing America,” what does the speaker hope for?
(c) To be treated equally