King John Quiz

King John Quiz Questions

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1. Who was King John’s older brother?
(a) Henry II
(b) Richard the Lionheart
(c) Edward I
(d) Henry III

2. What major event occurred during King John’s reign that significantly impacted English history?
(a) The Norman Invasion
(b) The Hundred Years’ War
(c) The signing of the Magna Carta
(d) The Battle of Hastings

3. Which Pope excommunicated King John?
(a) Innocent III
(b) Gregory VII
(c) Urban II
(d) Alexander VI

4. What was the primary reason for King John’s conflict with the Pope?
(a) John’s refusal to marry a papal candidate
(b) John’s support for a rival papal claimant
(c) John’s attempt to seize Church lands
(d) John’s refusal to pay taxes to the Church

5. Where did King John sign the Magna Carta?
(a) London
(b) Runnymede
(c) Canterbury
(d) Westminster

6. What year was the Magna Carta signed?
(a) 1210
(b) 1215
(c) 1212
(d) 1220

7. Who were the primary beneficiaries of the Magna Carta?
(a) The clergy
(b) The peasants
(c) The nobility
(d) The merchants

8. What did the Magna Carta guarantee to the English people?
(a) Religious freedom
(b) The right to vote
(c) Limited government power
(d) Freedom of speech

9. What was the nickname given to King John due to his loss of territory in France?
(a) John the Great
(b) John the Terrible
(c) John the Lackland
(d) John the Mad

10. Who succeeded King John on the English throne?
(a) Henry II
(b) Edward I
(c) Richard the Lionheart
(d) Henry III

11. What was the primary cause of King John’s conflict with the barons?
(a) Religious differences
(b) Taxation disputes
(c) Personal animosity
(d) Territorial claims

12. What was the significance of King John’s defeat at the Battle of Bouvines?
(a) It marked the end of English expansion in France.
(b) It led to the downfall of the Angevin dynasty.
(c) It solidified King Philip II of France’s power.
(d) It resulted in the signing of the Treaty of Paris.

13. What was the name of the French king who defeated King John at the Battle of Bouvines?
(a) Louis IX
(b) Philip II
(c) Charles V
(d) Henry II

14. Who was the French prince who claimed the English throne after King John’s death?
(a) Louis VIII
(b) Louis IX
(c) Philip II Augustus
(d) Charles V

15. What was the outcome of the barons’ rebellion against King John?
(a) The barons were defeated and John remained in power.
(b) The barons were victorious and John was forced to sign the Magna Carta.
(c) The barons were exiled and John became a dictator.
(d) The barons were executed and John’s reign continued.

16. What was the significance of the Magna Carta in English history?
(a) It established the principle of habeas corpus.
(b) It created a system of trial by jury.
(c) It laid the foundation for the English Bill of Rights.
(d) All of the above

17. Against which French king did King John fight for control of Normandy?
(a) Philip II Augustus
(b) Louis IX
(c) Charles V
(d) Henry II

18. Who was the English noble who led the rebellion against King John?
(a) Thomas Becket
(b) Simon de Montfort
(c) Robert Fitzwalter
(d) William the Conqueror

19. Where did King John die?
(a) London
(b) Windsor Castle
(c) Canterbury
(d) Newark-on-Trent

20. What was the outcome of the French invasion of England in 1216?
(a) A decisive victory for the French
(b) A decisive victory for the English
(c) A stalemate
(d) A draw

21. Who was the English regent who led the resistance against the French invasion?
(a) William Marshal
(b) Thomas Becket
(c) Simon de Montfort
(d) Robert Fitzwalter

22. What was the name of the treaty that ended the French invasion of England?
(a) The Treaty of Paris
(b) The Treaty of London
(c) The Treaty of Amiens
(d) Treaty of Kingston

23. Who was the Archbishop of Canterbury who excommunicated King John?
(a) Thomas Becket
(b) Stephen Langton
(c) William of Malmesbury
(d) Geoffrey of Monmouth

24. What was the name of the papal legate who intervened in the conflict between King John and the English barons?
(a) Pandulf
(b) Innocent III
(c) Honorius III
(d) Alexander III

25. What was the nickname given to King John’s wife, Isabella of Angoulême?
(a) “The Helen of the Middle Ages”
(b) “The She-Wolf of France”
(c) “The Lioness of England”
(d) “The Rose of Aquitaine”

King John Quiz Questions with Answers

1. Who was King John’s older brother?
(b) Richard the Lionheart

2. What major event occurred during King John’s reign that significantly impacted English history?
(c) The signing of the Magna Carta

3. Which Pope excommunicated King John?
(a) Innocent III

4. What was the primary reason for King John’s conflict with the Pope?
(b) John’s support for a rival papal claimant

5. Where did King John sign the Magna Carta?
(b) Runnymede

6. What year was the Magna Carta signed?
(b) 1215

7. Who were the primary beneficiaries of the Magna Carta?
(c) The nobility

8. What did the Magna Carta guarantee to the English people?
(c) Limited government power

9. What was the nickname given to King John due to his loss of territory in France?
(c) John the Lackland

10. Who succeeded King John on the English throne?
(d) Henry III

11. What was the primary cause of King John’s conflict with the barons?
(b) Taxation disputes

12. What was the significance of King John’s defeat at the Battle of Bouvines?
(c) It solidified King Philip II of France’s power.

13. What was the name of the French king who defeated King John at the Battle of Bouvines?
(b) Philip II

14. Who was the French prince who claimed the English throne after King John’s death?
(a) Louis VIII

15. What was the outcome of the barons’ rebellion against King John?
(b) The barons were victorious and John was forced to sign the Magna Carta.

16. What was the significance of the Magna Carta in English history?
(d) All of the above

17. Against which French king did King John fight for control of Normandy?
(a) Philip II Augustus

18. Who was the English noble who led the rebellion against King John?
(c) Robert Fitzwalter

19. Where did King John die?
(d) Newark-on-Trent

20. What was the outcome of the French invasion of England in 1216?
(b) A decisive victory for the English

21. Who was the English regent who led the resistance against the French invasion?
(a) William Marshal

22. What was the name of the treaty that ended the French invasion of England?
(d) Treaty of Kingston

23. Who was the Archbishop of Canterbury who excommunicated King John?
(b) Stephen Langton

24. What was the name of the papal legate who intervened in the conflict between King John and the English barons?
(b) Innocent III

25. What was the nickname given to King John’s wife, Isabella of Angoulême?
(a) “The Helen of the Middle Ages”