Kentucky Quiz

1. When did Kentucky become a state of USA?
  • Correct Answer: 1 June 1792

2. Which company wanted to establish Kentucky as 14th colony?
  • Correct Answer: Transylvania Company

3. Which is the capital of Kentucky?
  • Correct Answer: Frankfort

4. Which is the state flower of Kentucky?
  • Correct Answer: Goldenrod

5. What is the motto of Kentucky?
  • Correct Answer: United we stand, divided we fall.

6. Which is the highest point in Kentucky?
  • Correct Answer: Big Black Mountain

7. Which is the largest lake in Kentucky?
  • Correct Answer: Lake Cumberland

8. Which line separates Kentucky from Tennessee?
  • Correct Answer: Walker Line

9. What is the area of Kentucky?
  • Correct Answer: 40,409 sq. mi.

10. Who founded Frankfort?
  • Correct Answer: James Wilkinson