John XII Quiz

(John XII is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.)

1. Where was Ottaviano born?
  • Correct Answer: Rome

2. Who ordered Ottaviano’s election as pope?
  • Correct Answer: Alberic II

3. When was John XII elected pope?
  • Correct Answer: 16 December 955

4. Whom did John XII crown emperor?
  • Correct Answer: Otto I

5. Which order of the emperor did John XII refuse to obey?
  • Correct Answer: Privilegium Ottonianum

6. When was John XII deposed?
  • Correct Answer: 4 December 963

7. Who replaced John XII as pope and was later deposed by a synod conducted by John XII?
  • Correct Answer: Leo VIII

8. When did John XII die?
  • Correct Answer: 14 May 964

9. Where did John XII die?
  • Correct Answer: Rome

10. Which of the following is true of John XII?
  • Correct Answer: Second pope to change his name