James Monroe Quiz

(This quiz is about the fifth President of USA.)

James Monroe Quiz Questions with Answers

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1) What was James Monroe’s occupation?
a) Doctor
b) Businessman
c) Lawyer
d) Engineer

2) Which State had James Monroe as its Governor in 1799-1802?
a) New York
b) Pennsylvania
c) Virginia
d) Georgia

3) When was James Monroe Member of Continental Congress?
a) 1774-1776
b) 1783-1786
c) 1780-1783
d) 1785-1787

4) Which territory was ceded by Spain to USA in 1819?
a) New Mexico
b) Florida
c) California
d) Texas

5) How many States were in USA when James Monroe ceased to be President?
a) 17
b) 19
c) 24
d) 50

6) Which parallel was set as boundary between USA and Canada on 20/10/1818?
a) 17th
b) 36th
c) 49th
d) 64th

7) Which Slave State was admitted to USA in 1820?
a) Alabama
b) Louisiana
c) Mississippi
d) Missouri

8) How is the statement by James Monroe in 1823 that warned European powers against colonisation in the Americas came to be known?
a) Declaration of Independence
b) Monroe Doctrine
c) Helsinki Declaration
d) Bill of Rights

9) How is the period of James Monroe’s Presidency known?
a) Golden age
b) Era of good feelings
c) Dark age
d) Era of sad feelings

10) Of which dynasty was James Monroe said to be the last President?
a) Texas Dynasty
b) Maryland Dynasty
c) Virginia Dynasty
d) Dakota Dynasty

James Monroe Quiz Questions with Answers

1) What was James Monroe’s occupation?
c) Lawyer

2) Which State had James Monroe as its Governor in 1799-1802?
c) Virginia

3) When was James Monroe Member of Continental Congress?
b) 1783-1786

4) Which territory was ceded by Spain to USA in 1819?
b) Florida

5) How many States were in USA when James Monroe ceased to be President?
c) 24

6) Which parallel was set as boundary between USA and Canada on 20/10/1818?
c) 49th

7) Which Slave State was admitted to USA in 1820?
d) Missouri

8) How is the statement by James Monroe in 1823 that warned European powers against colonisation in the Americas came to be known?
b) Monroe Doctrine

9) How is the period of James Monroe’s Presidency known?
b) Era of good feelings

10) Of which dynasty was James Monroe said to be the last President?
c) Virginia Dynasty