James Henry Leigh Hunt Quiz

James Henry Leigh Hunt, by Benjamin Robert Haydon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

James Henry Leigh Hunt was an English essayist, critic, journalist, and poet. His best known poems are “Abou Ben Adhem” and his rondeau “Jenny Kissed Me”, reflect his knowledge of French and Italian versification.

James Henry Leigh Hunt Quiz Questions

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1. When was James Henry Leigh Hunt born?
a) 26 March 1788
b) 31 May 1786
c) 4 September 1782
d) 19 October 1784

2. Where was James Henry Leigh Hunt born?
a) Genoa
b) Southgate
c) Hertford
d) Florence

3. Which school did James Henry Leigh Hunt attend?
a) Boston Grammar School

b) St. George’s School
c) Christ’s Hospital
d) Mary Magdalene School

4. When was Juvenilia published?
a) 1801
b) 1798
c) 1804
d) 1806

5. Which magazine did James Henry Leigh Hunt edit in 1819-1821?
a) The Examiner
b) The Indicator
c) The Reflector
d) London Journal

6. Which James Henry Leigh Hunt book published in 1828 shocked people?
a) Stories from the Italian Poets
b) Imagination and Fancy
c) Lord Byron and some of his Contemporaries
d) A Jar of Honey from Mount Hybla

7. When were “Abou Ben Adhem” and “Jenny Kissed Me” published?
a) 1838
b) 1835
c) 1827
d) 1830

8. Which of the following books of James Henry Leigh Hunt was published in 1848?
a) Wit and Humour
b) Stories in Verse
c) Table Talk
d) A Jar of Honey from Mount Hybla

9. When did James Henry Leigh Hunt die?
a) 15 January 1869
b) 3 April 1864
c) 28 August 1859
d) 24 December 1863

10. Where did James Henry Leigh Hunt die?
a) Putney
b) York
c) Manchester
d) Birmingham

James Henry Leigh Hunt Quiz Questions with Answers

Leigh Hunt, an English essayist and poet (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1. When was James Henry Leigh Hunt born?
d) 19 October 1784

2. Where was James Henry Leigh Hunt born?
b) Southgate

3. Which school did James Henry Leigh Hunt attend?
c) Christ’s Hospital

4. When was Juvenilia published?
a) 1801

5. Which magazine did James Henry Leigh Hunt edit in 1819-1821?
b) The Indicator

6. Which James Henry Leigh Hunt book published in 1828 shocked people?
c) Lord Byron and some of his Contemporaries

7. When were “Abou Ben Adhem” and “Jenny Kissed Me” published?
a) 1838

8. Which of the following books of James Henry Leigh Hunt was published in 1848?
d) A Jar of Honey from Mount Hybla

9. When did James Henry Leigh Hunt die?
c) 28 August 1859

10. Where did James Henry Leigh Hunt die?
a) Putney