J. D. Salinger Quiz

J. D. Salinger Quiz Questions

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1. What is the title of J.D. Salinger’s most famous novel?
(a) The Great Gatsby
(b) To Kill a Mockingbird
(c) The Catcher in the Rye
(d) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

2. Who is the protagonist of The Catcher in the Rye?
(a) Holden Caulfield
(b) Nick Carraway
(c) Scout Finch
(d) Atticus Finch

3. What is Holden Caulfield’s age at the beginning of the novel?
(a) 12
(b) 15
(c) 16
(d) 20

4. What is the significance of the red hunting hat in the novel?
(a) It represents Holden’s youth and innocence
(b) It symbolizes Holden’s rebellion against authority
(c) It is a gift from his sister
(d) It is a lucky charm

5. What does Holden Caulfield fear most in the world?
(a) Death
(b) Loneliness
(c) Failure
(d) Rejection

6. What is the name of the psychiatrist Holden Caulfield visits at the end of the novel?
(a) Dr. Thurmer
(b) Dr. Wassermann
(c) Dr. Freud
(d) Dr. Spencer

7. What does Holden Caulfield think about the adult world?
(a) He admires it
(b) He is indifferent to it
(c) He fears it
(d) He is fascinated by it

8. What does Holden Caulfield think about phonies?
(a) He admires them
(b) He is indifferent to them
(c) He despises them
(d) He is fascinated by them

9. What is the name of Holden Caulfield’s younger sister?
(a) Sally
(b) Jane
(c) Phoebe
(d) Allie

10. What is the significance of the baseball glove Holden Caulfield carries around?
(a) It belonged to his brother Allie
(b) It is a lucky charm
(c) It is a gift from his father
(d) It represents his childhood innocence

11. Where does Holden Caulfield go after being expelled from Pencey Prep?
(a) New York City
(b) Chicago
(c) Los Angeles
(d) Boston

12. What is the name of the red hunting hat that Holden Caulfield wears?
(a) The Red Hunting Hat
(b) The Fedora
(c) The Porkpie
(d) The Beanies

13. What is the name of the museum that Holden Caulfield visits in New York City?
(a) The Metropolitan Museum of Art
(b) The American Museum of Natural History
(c) The Guggenheim Museum
(d) The Whitney Museum of American Art

14. Who is the girl that Holden Caulfield becomes infatuated with?
(a) Jane Gallagher
(b) Sally Hayes
(c) Phoebe Caulfield
(d) Sunny

15. What is the name of the boarding school that Holden Caulfield attends before Pencey Prep?
(a) Elkton Hills
(b) Whooton School
(c) Devon School
(d) Pencey Prep

16. What is the name of the catcher in the rye that Holden Caulfield imagines?
(a) The Catcher in the Rye
(b) The Rye Catcher
(c) The Rye Field Catcher
(d) The Catcher of the Rye

17. What is the significance of the glass carousel in Central Park to Holden Caulfield?
(a) It symbolizes innocence and childhood
(b) It represents his desire for a simpler life
(c) It is a metaphor for his own fragility
(d) It is a symbol of his lost love

18. What is the main theme of “The Catcher in the Rye”?
(a) The loss of innocence
(b) The search for meaning
(c) The alienation of youth
(d) All of the above

19. What is Holden Caulfield’s attitude towards phoniness?
(a) He admires it
(b) He tolerates it
(c) He despises it
(d) He is indifferent to it

20. What is the name of the character who is Holden Caulfield’s roommate at Pencey Prep?
(a) Stradlater
(b) Ackley
(c) Maurice
(d) Carl Luce

21. What is the name of the nightclub that Holden Caulfield visits in New York City?
(a) The Lavender Room
(b) The Blue Note
(c) The Village Vanguard
(d) The Red Lion

22. What is Holden Caulfield’s relationship with his parents like?
(a) Close
(b) Distant
(c) Hostile
(d) Nonexistent

23. What is the name of the museum exhibit that Holden Caulfield finds particularly disturbing?
(a) The Egyptian exhibit
(b) The dinosaur exhibit
(c) The Native American exhibit
(d) The African exhibit

24. What is the name of the hotel that Holden Caulfield stays at in New York City?
(a) The Plaza
(b) Edmont Hotel
(c) The St. Regis
(d) The Algonquin

25. What is Holden Caulfield’s opinion of the world in general?
(a) Optimistic
(b) Pessimistic
(c) Indifferent
(d) Hopeful

J. D. Salinger Quiz Questions with Answers

1. What is the title of J.D. Salinger’s most famous novel?
(c) The Catcher in the Rye

2. Who is the protagonist of The Catcher in the Rye?
(a) Holden Caulfield

3. What is Holden Caulfield’s age at the beginning of the novel?
(c) 16

4. What is the significance of the red hunting hat in the novel?
(a) It represents Holden’s youth and innocence

5. What does Holden Caulfield fear most in the world?
(b) Loneliness

6. What is the name of the psychiatrist Holden Caulfield visits at the end of the novel?
(b) Dr. Wassermann

7. What does Holden Caulfield think about the adult world?
(c) He fears it

8. What does Holden Caulfield think about phonies?
(c) He despises them

9. What is the name of Holden Caulfield’s younger sister?
(c) Phoebe

10. What is the significance of the baseball glove Holden Caulfield carries around?
(a) It belonged to his brother Allie

11. Where does Holden Caulfield go after being expelled from Pencey Prep?
(a) New York City

12. What is the name of the red hunting hat that Holden Caulfield wears?
(a) The Red Hunting Hat

13. What is the name of the museum that Holden Caulfield visits in New York City?
(b) The American Museum of Natural History

14. Who is the girl that Holden Caulfield becomes infatuated with?
(a) Jane Gallagher

15. What is the name of the boarding school that Holden Caulfield attends before Pencey Prep?
(b) Whooton School

16. What is the name of the catcher in the rye that Holden Caulfield imagines?
(a) The Catcher in the Rye

17. What is the significance of the glass carousel in Central Park to Holden Caulfield?
(a) It symbolizes innocence and childhood

18. What is the main theme of “The Catcher in the Rye”?
(d) All of the above

19. What is Holden Caulfield’s attitude towards phoniness?
(c) He despises it

20. What is the name of the character who is Holden Caulfield’s roommate at Pencey Prep?
(a) Stradlater

21. What is the name of the nightclub that Holden Caulfield visits in New York City?
(a) The Lavender Room

22. What is Holden Caulfield’s relationship with his parents like?
(b) Distant

23. What is the name of the museum exhibit that Holden Caulfield finds particularly disturbing?
(a) The Egyptian exhibit

24. What is the name of the hotel that Holden Caulfield stays at in New York City?
(b) Edmont Hotel

25. What is Holden Caulfield’s opinion of the world in general?
(b) Pessimistic