Isaac Newton Quiz

Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton Quiz Questions

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1. When was Isaac Newton born?
a) 7 January 1635
b) 11 June 1648
c) 29 July 1622
d) 25 December 1642

2. Where was Isaac Newton born?
a) Plymouth
b) Belmont
c) Woolsthorpe
d) Grantham

3. Who wrote a condescending critique of Isaac Newton’s paper on light and colours?
a) Henry More
b) Robert Hooke
c) Pierre Gassendi
d) Robert Boyle

4. When did Isaac Newton publish Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica ?
a) 1680
b) 1685
c) 1687
d) 1660

5. What is Isaac Newton’s third law of motion?
a) To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
b) A body remains in its state unless it is compelled to change that state by a force impressed on it.
c) The change of motion is proportional to the force impressed.
d) All planets move about the Sun in elliptical orbits.

6. When was Isaac Newton appointed warden of the mint?
a) 1654
b) 1696
c) 1700
d) 1690

7. With whom Isaac Newton had a legal dispute about printing a catalogue of stars?
a) John Collins
b) Edmond Halley
c) John Flamsteed
d) John Locke

8. When did Isaac Newton die?
a) 20 March 1727
b) 24 May 1734
c) 12 August 1742
d) 30 November 1710

9. Where did Isaac Newton die?
a) Cambridge
b) Nottingham
c) London
d) Coventry

10. What does newton measure?
a) Electric charge
b) Length
c) Power
d) Force

Isaac Newton Quiz Questions with Answers

1. When was Isaac Newton born?
d) 25 December 1642

2. Where was Isaac Newton born?
c) Woolsthorpe

3. Who wrote a condescending critique of Isaac Newton’s paper on light and colours?
b) Robert Hooke

4. When did Isaac Newton publish Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica?
c) 1687

5. What is Isaac Newton’s third law of motion?
a) To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

6. When was Isaac Newton appointed warden of the mint?
b) 1696

7. With whom Isaac Newton had a legal dispute about printing a catalogue of stars?
c) John Flamsteed

8. When did Isaac Newton die?
a) 20 March 1727

9. Where did Isaac Newton die?
c) London

10. What does Isaac Newton measure?
d) Force