Iowa Quiz

1. When did Iowa become a state of USA?
  • Correct Answer: 28 December 1846

2. When was the Territory of Iowa established?
  • Correct Answer: 1838

3. When was the Spirit Lake Massacre?
  • Correct Answer: 8-12 March 1857

4. Which state is to the north of Iowa?
  • Correct Answer: Minnesota

5. Which state is to the south of Iowa?
  • Correct Answer: Missouri

6. Which is the capital of Iowa?
  • Correct Answer: Des Moines

7. What is the motto of Iowa?
  • Correct Answer: Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain.

8. Who designed Iowa’s flag?
  • Correct Answer: Dixie Gebhardt

9. Which bird appears on Iowa’s flag?
  • Correct Answer: Bald eagle

10. What is the area of Iowa?
  • Correct Answer: 56,275 sq. mi.