Homi J. Bhabha Quiz

Homi J. Bhabha Quiz Questions

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1. In which city was Homi Bhabha born?
(a) Mumbai, India
(b) London, England
(c) Paris, France
(d) New York City, USA

2. What field of science did Homi Bhabha specialize in?
(a) Biology
(b) Chemistry
(c) Physics
(d) Geology

3. Homi Bhabha is widely regarded as the “Father of” what in India?
(a) Space Exploration
(b) The Green Revolution
(c) The Indian Nuclear Programme
(d) Modern Medicine

4. What prestigious institute did Homi Bhabha play a key role in establishing?
(a) Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD)
(b) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)
(c) Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
(d) All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)

5. What award did Homi Bhabha receive in 1948 for his scientific contributions?
(a) Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize
(b) Hopkins Prize
(c) Nobel Prize in Physics
(d) Ramanujan Medal

6. What was the name of the aircraft Homi Bhabha was traveling on when it tragically crashed in 1966?
(a) Air India Flight 182
(b) Air India Flight 101
(c) Malaysia Airlines Flight 370
(d) Pan Am Flight 103

7. Which city houses the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), named after Homi Bhabha?
(a) Chennai
(b) Kolkata
(c) Mumbai
(d) Delhi

8. Homi Bhabha was a strong proponent of scientific development for what purpose?
(a) Military advancement only
(b) Peaceful progress and national development
(c) Space exploration solely
(d) None of the above

9. What was Homi Bhabha’s nickname within the scientific community?
(a) The Alchemist
(b) Father of the Indian nuclear programme
(c) The Rocket Scientist
(d) The Green Revolutionary

10. Homi Bhabha received his higher education in which country?
(a) India
(b) England
(c) United States
(d) France

11. What was Homi Bhabha’s area of research within physics?
(a) Classical Mechanics
(b) Cosmic Ray Physics
(c) Optics
(d) Thermodynamics

12. Which international organization did Homi Bhabha serve as president of?
(a) European Organization for Nuclear Research
(b) United Nations Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy
(c) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(d) World Health Organization

13. What was the primary focus of the research conducted at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)?
(a) Medical advancements
(b) Engineering innovations
(c) Fundamental scientific research
(d) Agricultural development

14. What legacy did Homi Bhabha leave behind in India?
(a) A strong foundation for nuclear weapons development
(b) A robust and peaceful nuclear program
(c) A leading role in space exploration
(d) A revolution in agricultural practices

15. In which year did Homi Bhabha receive the Padma Bhushan award?
(a) 1941
(b) 1954
(c) 1961
(d) 1971

16. What is the fuel source used in most nuclear power plants championed by Homi Bhabha?
(a) Coal
(b) Uranium
(c) Oil
(d) Solar energy

17. Homi Bhabha completed his higher education at which prestigious university?
(a) Harvard University
(b) University of Cambridge
(c) Oxford University
(d) The Sorbonne

18. What was the name of Homi Bhabha’s father?
(a) Jehangir Bhabha
(b) Homi Bhabha
(c) Homi k. Bhabha
(d) C. V. Raman

19. What metal is commonly used as a moderator in nuclear reactors?
(a) Gold
(b) Graphite
(c) Iron
(d) Silver

20. In what year did Homi Bhabha tragically pass away?
(a) 1954
(b) 1966
(c) 1974
(d) 1984

21. What was the title of Homi Bhabha’s doctoral thesis?
(a) Cosmic Ray Showers
(b) The Absorption of Cosmic radiation
(c) Nuclear Fission
(d) Quantum Mechanics

Homi J. Bhabha Quiz Questions with Answers

1. In which city was Homi Bhabha born?
(a) Mumbai, India

2. What field of science did Homi Bhabha specialize in?
(c) Physics

3. Homi Bhabha is widely regarded as the “Father of” what in India?
(c) The Indian Nuclear Programme

4. What prestigious institute did Homi Bhabha play a key role in establishing?
(b) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)

5. What award did Homi Bhabha receive in 1948 for his scientific contributions?
(b) Hopkins Prize

6. What was the name of the aircraft Homi Bhabha was traveling on when it tragically crashed in 1966?
(b) Air India Flight 101

7. Which city houses the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), named after Homi Bhabha?
(c) Mumbai

8. Homi Bhabha was a strong proponent of scientific development for what purpose?
(b) Peaceful progress and national development

9. What was Homi Bhabha’s nickname within the scientific community?
(b) Father of the Indian nuclear programme

10. Homi Bhabha received his higher education in which country?
(b) England

11. What was Homi Bhabha’s area of research within physics?
(b) Cosmic Ray Physics

12. Which international organization did Homi Bhabha serve as president of?
(b) United Nations Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy

13. What was the primary focus of the research conducted at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)?
(c) Fundamental scientific research

14. What legacy did Homi Bhabha leave behind in India?
(b) A robust and peaceful nuclear program

15. In which year did Homi Bhabha receive the Padma Bhushan award?
(b) 1954

16. What is the fuel source used in most nuclear power plants championed by Homi Bhabha?
(b) Uranium

17. Homi Bhabha completed his higher education at which prestigious university?
(b) University of Cambridge

18. What was the name of Homi Bhabha’s father?
(a) Jehangir Bhabha

19. What metal is commonly used as a moderator in nuclear reactors?
(b) Graphite

20. In what year did Homi Bhabha tragically pass away?
(b) 1966

21. What was the title of Homi Bhabha’s doctoral thesis?
(b) The Absorption of Cosmic radiation