Herod Quiz

(This quiz is about Herod mentioned in Matthew 2/1-18.)

Herod Quiz Questions

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1. When was Herod King?
a) 14 AD – 37 AD
b) 27 BC – 14 AD
c) 37 BC – 4 BC
d) 12 BC – 12 AD

2. Who made Herod tetrarch of Galilee?
a) Julius Caesar
b) Mark Antony
c) Marius
d) Sulla

3. Who was Herod’s first wife?
a) Pallas
b) Malthace
c) Elpis
d) Doris

4. To which dynasty did Herod’s wife Mariamne I belong?
a) Persian
b) Babylonian
c) Chaldean
d) Hasmonean

5. Who restored to Herod the land Cleopatra had taken?
a) Augustus
b) Tiberius
c) Crassus
d) Pompey

6. Where did Herod build the fortress of Antonia?
a) Alexandria
b) Beirut
c) Rome
d) Jerusalem

7. When did an earthquake destroy many houses in Herod’s Kingdom?
a) 14 BC
b) 22 BC
c) 31 BC
d) 12 AD

8. When did Herod start to rebuild the Temple?
a) 44 BC
b) 20 BC
c) 36 BC
d) 10 AD

9. Who of Herod’s sons was executed five days before Herod’s death?
a) Antipater
b) Alexander
c) Aristobulus
d) Antipas

10. Where did Herod die?
a) Alexandria
b) Jericho
c) Rome
d) Damascus

Herod Quiz Questions with Answers

1. When was Herod King?
c) 37 BC – 4 BC

2. Who made Herod tetrarch of Galilee?
b) Mark Antony

3. Who was Herod’s first wife?
d) Doris

4. To which dynasty did Herod’s wife Mariamne I belong?
d) Hasmonean

5. Who restored to Herod the land Cleopatra had taken?
a) Augustus

6. Where did Herod build the fortress of Antonia?
d) Jerusalem

7. When did an earthquake destroy many houses in Herod’s Kingdom?
c) 31 BC

8. When did Herod start to rebuild the Temple?
b) 20 BC

9. Who of Herod’s sons was executed five days before Herod’s death?
a) Antipater

10. Where did Herod die?
b) Jericho