Henry VIII Quiz

Portrait of Henry VIII, c. 1536. Oil and tempera on oak, Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Henry VIII Quiz Questions

1) Who conferred the title Defensor Fidei on Henry VIII in 1521?
a) Clement VII
b) Leo X
c) Sixtus V
d) Pius XII

2) To whom was Catherine of Aragon first married?
a) Arthur
b) Edmund
c) Francis
d) James

3) Who granted dispensation to Henry VIII to marry Catherine of Aragon?
a) Julius II
b) John XXI
c) Martin V
d) Paul II

4) Catherine of Aragon after her marriage to Henry VIII gave birth to a son in 1511. What happened to him?
a) Died two months later
b) Succeeded Henry VIII
c) Gave up his right to become king
d) Became Archbishop of Canterbury

5) Which Church was founded by Henry VIII?
a) Anglican
b) Baptist
c) Quaker
d) Pentecostal

6) What happened to Anne Boleyn?
a) Divorced
b) Beheaded
c) Died
d) Survived

7) Who gave birth to a son who succeeded Henry VIII as king?
a) Anne Boleyn
b) Anne of Cleves
c) Jane Seymour
d) Catherine Parr

8) Who suggested that Henry VIII marry Anne of Cleaves?
a) Thomas Wolsey
b) Thomas More
c) Thomas Cromwell
d) Thomas Cranmer

9) Who of the following was executed for his relationship with Catherine Howard?
a) Thomas Howard
b) Francis Dereham
c) Stephen Gardiner
d) Thomas Hardy

10) What happened to Katherine Parr?
a) Divorced
b) Beheaded
c) Died
d) Survived

Henry VIII Quiz Questions with Answers

1) Who conferred the title Defensor Fidei on Henry VIII in 1521?
b) Leo X

2) To whom was Catherine of Aragon first married?
a) Arthur

3)) Who granted dispensation to Henry VIII to marry Catherine of Aragon?
a) Julius II

4) Catherine of Aragon after her marriage to Henry VIII gave birth to a son in 1511. What happened to him?
a) Died two months later

5) Which Church was founded by Henry VIII?
a) Anglican

6)) What happened to Anne Boleyn?
b) Beheaded

7) Who gave birth to a son who succeeded Henry VIII as king?
c) Jane Seymour

8) Who suggested that Henry VIII marry Anne of Cleaves?
c) Thomas Cromwell

9) Who of the following was executed for his relationship with Catherine Howard?
b) Francis Dereham

10) What happened to Katherine Parr?
d) Survived