Helmut Kohl Quiz

(Federal Republic of Germany was popularly known as West Germany. German Democratic Republic was popularly known as East Germany. German Democratic Republic’s merger with Federal Republic of Germany is known as German Unification. After that Federal Republic of Germany is popularly known as Germany.)

1. When was Helmut Kohl Chancellor of Federal Republic of Germany?
  • Correct Answer: 1982-1998

2. When was Helmut Kohl born?
  • Correct Answer: 3 April 1930

3. Where was Helmut Kohl born?
  • Correct Answer: Ludwigshafen

4. Which university did Helmut Kohl attend?
  • Correct Answer: Heidelberg

5. Which party did Helmut Kohl join?
  • Correct Answer: Christian Democratic Union

6. Of which state was Helmut Kohl minister president?
  • Correct Answer: Rhineland-Palatinate

7. How many votes did Helmut Kohl get to become party chairman?
  • Correct Answer: 520

8. When did German Democratic Republic merge with Federal Republic of Germany?
  • Correct Answer: 3 October 1990

9. When did Helmut Kohl die?
  • Correct Answer: 16 June 2017

10. Where did Helmut Kohl die?
  • Correct Answer: Ludwigshafen