Helen Thomas Quiz

Helen Thomas Quiz Questions

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1. What was Helen Thomas’ middle name?
a) Amelia
b) Elizabeth
c) Catherine
d) Victoria

2. When was Helen Thomas born?
a) 4 March 1924
b) 16 May 1922
c) 4 August 1920
d) 2 December 1918

3. Where was Helen Thomas born?
a) Winchester
b) Boston
c) Columbus
d) Detroit

4. Which university did Helen Thomas attend?
a) Princeton
b) Wayne
c) Harvard
d) Yale

5. When did Helen Thomas join United Press?
a) 1941
b) 1940
c) 1938
d) 1943

6. When was Helen Thomas sent to Palm Beach, Florida to report on vacation of John F. Kennedy?
a) 1960
b) 1964
c) 1958
d) 1956

7. Who was the President of USA Helen Thomas accompanied to China in 1972?
a) Gerald Ford
b) Lyndon Johnson
c) Richard Nixon
d) Ronald Reagan

8. When was Dateline: White House published?
a) 1968
b) 1975
c) 1966
d) 1971

9. Which Helen Thomas book was published in 2006?
a) Thanks for the Memories, Mr. President
b) A study of the paragraph
c) The Great White House Breakout
d) Watchdogs of Democracy?

10. Comments against which people on 27 May 2010 ended White House Correspondent career of Helen Thomas?
a) Christians
b) Buddhists
c) Jews
d) Muslims

Helen Thomas Quiz Questions with Answers

1. What was Helen Thomas’ middle name?
a) Amelia

2. When was Helen Thomas born?
c) 4 August 1920

3. Where was Helen Thomas born?
a) Winchester

4. Which university did Helen Thomas attend?
b) Wayne

5. When did Helen Thomas join United Press?
d) 1943

6. When was Helen Thomas sent to Palm Beach, Florida to report on vacation of John F. Kennedy?
a) 1960

7. Who was the President of USA Helen Thomas accompanied to China in 1972?
c) Richard Nixon

8. When was Dateline: White House published?
b) 1975

9. Which Helen Thomas book was published in 2006?
d) Watchdogs of Democracy?

10. Comments against which people on 27 May 2010 ended White House Correspondent career of Helen Thomas?
c) Jews