Hawaii Quiz

1. When did Hawaii become a state of USA?
  • Correct Answer: 21 August 1959

2. Who was the British explorer killed at Kealakekua Bay on 14 February 1779?
  • Correct Answer: James Cook

3. Who presented the Union Jack to Kamehameha I in 1793?
  • Correct Answer: George Vancouver

4. Who led the Committee of Safety that deposed Liliuokalani?
  • Correct Answer: Sanford Dole

5. Who refused to annex Hawaii to USA?
  • Correct Answer: Grover Cleveland

6. Who agreed to annex Hawaii to USA?
  • Correct Answer: William McKinley

7. Which is the capital of Hawaii?
  • Correct Answer: Honolulu

8. Which is the highest point in Hawaii?
  • Correct Answer: Mauna Kea

9. Who of the following presidents of USA was born in Hawaii?
  • Correct Answer: Barack Obama

10. What is the area of Hawaii?
  • Correct Answer: 6,461 sq. mi.