Gregory VII Quiz

(Gregory VII is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.)

1. Whom did Hildebrand accompany into exile at Cologne?
  • Correct Answer: Gregory VI

2. Who created Hildebrand cardinal?
  • Correct Answer: Leo IX

3. When was Hildebrand made archdeacon?
  • Correct Answer: 1058

4. Whose invasion of England did Hildebrand support?
  • Correct Answer: William I

5. When was Gregory VII raised pope?
  • Correct Answer: 22 April 1073

6. Against which abuses in church did Gregory VII fight?
  • Correct Answer: Simony and clerical concubinage

7. Where did Henry IV submit to Gregory VII?
  • Correct Answer: Canossa

8. Which synod in 1080 declared the deposition of Gregory VII?
  • Correct Answer: Brixen

9. When did Gregory VII die?
  • Correct Answer: 25 May 1085

10. Where did Gregory VII die?
  • Correct Answer: Salerno