General Knowledge Quiz – 2

1. Who won the Football World Cup in 1982?
  • Correct Answer: Italy

2. Which country is known as Suomi?
  • Correct Answer: Finland

3. Who was the Roman Emperor in 41-54 AD?
  • Correct Answer: Claudius

4. Who won Wimbledon Women’s Singles Championship in 1988?
  • Correct Answer: Steffi Graf

5. Who is the author of Pride and Prejudice?
  • Correct Answer: Jane Austen

6. In the Bible, who is the eldest son of David?
  • Correct Answer: Amnon

7. In which film it is said, “Some dreams come true. Some don’t. Keep on dreaming.”?
  • Correct Answer: Pretty Woman

8. Who is considered the father of geometry?
  • Correct Answer: Euclid

9. Which country was known as Nyasaland?
  • Correct Answer: Malawi

10. Which sea separates Egypt from Saudi Arabia?
  • Correct Answer: Red Sea

11. Which country has 11 official languages?
  • Correct Answer: South Africa

12. Which pope divided the world between Portugal and Spain?
  • Correct Answer: Alexander VI

13. How many lines are in a limerick?
  • Correct Answer: Five

14. The flag of which country has one big star and four small stars?
  • Correct Answer: China

15. Which is the national animal of Argentina?
  • Correct Answer: Puma

16. Who won seven gold medals in swimming in 1972 Munich Olympics?
  • Correct Answer: Mark Spitz

17. What is sodium chloride?
  • Correct Answer: Salt

18. Who is the patron saint of music?
  • Correct Answer: St. Cecilia

19. What is the meaning of Anno Domini?
  • Correct Answer: Year of the Lord

20. In the Bible, Joseph was sold by his brothers for how many silver coins?
  • Correct Answer: Twenty

21. How many furlongs is one mile?
  • Correct Answer: Eight

22. Who is the founder of Sikhism?
  • Correct Answer: Guru Nanak

23. When is the Feast Day of St. Francis Xavier?
  • Correct Answer: December 3

24. Which river joins Ganga at Allahabad?
  • Correct Answer: Yamuna

25. Who was the Carthagian general during Punic War II?
  • Correct Answer: Hannibal