Pakistan Quiz

1. What is the meaning of Pakistan?
  • Correct Answer: Holy Land

2. Who is the first Governor General of Pakistan?
  • Correct Answer: Mohammed Ali Jinnah

3. What was the major event of 1971?
  • Correct Answer: Bangladesh broke away from Pakistan

4. When Musharraf overthrew the government of Nawaz Sharif what designation did he take?
  • Correct Answer: Chief Executive

5. In which year did Pakistan win the Cricket World Cup?
  • Correct Answer: 1992

6. When did Pakistan win Olympic gold medal in Hockey for the first time?
  • Correct Answer: 1960

7. Which party was in power in North West Frontier Province at the time of independence?
  • Correct Answer: Congress

8. When Sindh was annexed by the British what message was sent by Charles Napier to headquaters?
  • Correct Answer: Peccavi

9. Where was General Pervez Musharraf born?
  • Correct Answer: Delhi

10. Where is the tomb of Mughal Emperor Jahangir?
  • Correct Answer: Lahore

11. Who succeeded Zia Ul Haque as President of Pakistan?
  • Correct Answer: Ghulam Ishaq Khan

12. When did Pakistan become a Republic?
  • Correct Answer: 23/03/1956

13. How many times did squash player Jansher Khan win World Open?
  • Correct Answer: Eight

14. Who sang Mujko bhi zara lift kara de?
  • Correct Answer: Adnan Sami

15. Who did the title role in the film Henna?
  • Correct Answer: Zeba Bakhtiar

16. Which Indian Cardinal was from Karachi?
  • Correct Answer: Valerian Gracias

17. Which is the national flower of Pakistan?
  • Correct Answer: Jasmine

18. Who designed Pakistan’s national flag?
  • Correct Answer: Ameer-ud-din Khidwai

19. Which military alliance had Pakistan as its member?
  • Correct Answer: SEATO

20. Who wrote Tarana-e-Pakistan?
  • Correct Answer: Jagannath Azad

21. Which is the national language of Pakistan?
  • Correct Answer: Urdu

22. How is Pakistan’s film industry known?
  • Correct Answer: Lollywood

23. Which is the national animal of Pakistan?
  • Correct Answer: Markhor

24. Which is the national bird of Pakistan?
  • Correct Answer: Chakor

25. Which Pakistani Prime Minister received Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee when he arrived by bus to Lahore?
  • Correct Answer: Nawaz Shariff