Game of Thrones Quiz

Game of Thrones Quiz Questions
1. What is the name of Jon Snow’s direwolf?
(a) Ghost
(b) Nymeria
(c) Summer
(d) Shaggydog
2. Which family’s words are “Winter is Coming”?
(a) Lannister
(b) Baratheon
(c) Stark
(d) Targaryen
3. Who is known as the “Kingslayer”?
(a) Tyrion Lannister
(b) Jaime Lannister
(c) Joffrey Baratheon
(d) Robert Baratheon
4. What is the name of Daenerys Targaryen’s largest dragon?
(a) Viserion
(b) Rhaegal
(c) Drogon
(d) Balerion
5. What city is known as the “Free City” where Daenerys acquires the Unsullied?
(a) Pentos
(b) Qohor
(c) Astapor
(d) Volantis
6. Who is the Red Woman?
(a) Cersei Lannister
(b) Sansa Stark
(c) Melisandre
(d) Arya Stark
7. What material is Valyrian steel known for being effective against?
(a) Fire
(b) Ice
(c) White Walkers
(d) Stone
8. Who is the Lord of Light?
(a) The Many-Faced God
(b) The Drowned God
(c) R’hllor
(d) The Old Gods
9. What is the name of Arya Stark’s sword?
(a) Oathkeeper
(b) Needle
(c) Ice
(d) Widow’s Wail
10. Which character is known as the “Master of Whisperers”?
(a) Varys
(b) Littlefinger
(c) Qyburn
(d) Pycelle
11. Who sits on the Iron Throne at the end of the series?
(a) Jon Snow
(b) Daenerys Targaryen
(c) Bran Stark
(d) Tyrion Lannister
12. What is the name of the region north of the Wall?
(a) The Reach
(b) Dorne
(c) Beyond the Wall
(d) The Stormlands
13. What is the sigil of House Lannister?
(a) A wolf
(b) A stag
(c) A lion
(d) A dragon
14. Which character loses his hand?
(a) Robb Stark
(b) Theon Greyjoy
(c) Jaime Lannister
(d) Jorah Mormont
15. Who is the leader of the Dothraki?
(a) Jorah Mormont
(b) Khal Drogo
(c) Daario Naharis
(d) Grey Worm
16. What is the name of the massive wall that protects the Seven Kingdoms from the White Walkers?
(a) The Shield
(b) The Barrier
(c) The Wall
(d) The Bulwark
17. Who is the High Sparrow?
(a) A member of the Night’s Watch
(b) A religious leader
(c) A lord from the Reach
(d) A merchant from Essos
18. What is the name of the island where the Greyjoys reside?
(a) Dragonstone
(b) Pyke
(c) Skagos
(d) Tarth
19. What is the name of the poison used to kill Joffrey Baratheon?
(a) The Strangler
(b) Tears of Lys
(c) Nightshade
(d) Basilisk Venom
20. Who is the Three-Eyed Raven?
(a) Bran Stark
(b) Brynden Rivers
(c) Euron Greyjoy
(d) Samwell Tarly
21. What is the saying of the Faceless Men?
(a) “What is dead may never die.”
(b) “Valar Morghulis.”
(c) “Hear me roar.”
(d) “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.”
22. Which character is known as the “Hound”?
(a) Sandor Clegane
(b) Gregor Clegane
(c) Bronn
(d) Podrick Payne
23. Where is Daenerys Targaryen from?
(a) Westeros
(b) Island of Dragonstone
(c) Dorne
(d) The Iron Islands
24. Who is the brother of Daenerys Targaryen who initially sells her to Khal Drogo?
(a) Viserys Targaryen
(b) Rhaegar Targaryen
(c) Aemon Targaryen
(d) Aegon Targaryen
25. Who is the creator of “Game of Thrones”?
(a) Brad Fuller and Andrew Form
(b) Tim Bevan and Eric Fellner
(c) David Benioff and D. B. Weiss
(d) Jason Blum and Jerry Bruckheimer
Game of Thrones Quiz Questions with Answers
1. What is the name of Jon Snow’s direwolf?
(a) Ghost
2. Which family’s words are “Winter is Coming”?
(c) Stark
3. Who is known as the “Kingslayer”?
(b) Jaime Lannister
4. What is the name of Daenerys Targaryen’s largest dragon?
(d) Balerion
5. What city is known as the “Free City” where Daenerys acquires the Unsullied?
(b) Qohor
6. Who is the Red Woman?
(c) Melisandre
7. What material is Valyrian steel known for being effective against?
(c) White Walkers
8. Who is the Lord of Light?
(c) R’hllor
9. What is the name of Arya Stark’s sword?
(b) Needle
10. Which character is known as the “Master of Whisperers”?
(a) Varys
11. Who sits on the Iron Throne at the end of the series?
(c) Bran Stark
12. What is the name of the region north of the Wall?
(c) Beyond the Wall
13. What is the sigil of House Lannister?
(c) A lion
14. Which character loses his hand?
(c) Jaime Lannister
15. Who is the leader of the Dothraki?
(b) Khal Drogo
16. What is the name of the massive wall that protects the Seven Kingdoms from the White Walkers?
(c) The Wall
17. Who is the High Sparrow?
(b) A religious leader
18. What is the name of the island where the Greyjoys reside?
(b) Pyke
19. What is the name of the poison used to kill Joffrey Baratheon?
(a) The Strangler
20. Who is the Three-Eyed Raven?
(b) Brynden Rivers
21. What is the saying of the Faceless Men?
(b) “Valar Morghulis.”
22. Which character is known as the “Hound”?
(a) Sandor Clegane
23. Where is Daenerys Targaryen from?
(b) Island of Dragonstone
24. Who is the brother of Daenerys Targaryen who initially sells her to Khal Drogo?
(a) Viserys Targaryen
25. Who is the creator of “Game of Thrones”?
(c) David Benioff and D. B. Weiss