Franklin Roosevelt Quiz

United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt signing the declaration of war against Japan, in the wake of the attack on Pearl Harbor. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Signature of 32nd US president Franklin DeLano Roosevelt. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Yalta summit in February 1945 with (from left to right) Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin. Also present are USSR Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov (far left); Admiral of the Fleet Sir Andrew Cunningham, RN, Marshal of the RAF Sir Charles Portal, RAF, (both standing behind Churchill); Field Marshal Alan Brooke and Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy, USN, (standing behind Roosevelt). Note ornate carpets under the chairs. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

(This quiz is about the 32nd President of USA.)

Franklin Roosevelt Quiz Questions

1) How many times was Franklin Roosevelt elected President of USA?
a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) Six

2) When was Franklin Roosevelt born?
a) 30 January 1882
b) 5 May 1880
c) 7 August 1884
d) 21 December 1886

3) Where was Franklin Roosevelt born?
a) Seattle
b) Austin
c) New Orleans
d) Hyde Park

4) Which university did Franklin Roosevelt attend?
a) Yale
b) Harvard
c) John Hopkins
d) Oxford

5) Who appointed Franklin Roosevelt work Assistant Secretary of Navy?
a) Theodore Roosevelt
b) Herbert Hoover
c) William Taft
d) Woodrow Wilson

6) Which disease afflicted Franklin Roosevelt?
a) Brown’s
b) Parkinson’s
c) Polio
d) Alzheimer’s

7) Of which state was Franklin Roosevelt Governor?
a) Wyoming
b) North Dakota
c) South Carolina
d) New York

8) When was Franklin Roosevelt first sworn in as President of USA?
a) 20 January 1933
b) 4 March 1933
c) 4 March 1937
d) 4 November 1936

9) Which anti-lynching bill was not supported by Franklin Roosevelt?
a) Social Security Bill
b) Costigan-Wagner Bill
c) Agriculture Adjustment Bill
d) Bradley Bill

10) Which significant event occurred on 7 December 1941?
a) Beginning of World War II
b) Man landing on moon
c) Bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japan
d) End of Vietnam War

Franklin Roosevelt Quiz Questions with Answers

1) How many times was Franklin Roosevelt elected President of USA?
c) Four

2) When was Franklin Roosevelt born?
a) 30 January 1882

3) Where was Franklin Roosevelt born?
d) Hyde Park

4) Which university did Franklin Roosevelt attend?
b) Harvard

5) Who appointed Franklin Roosevelt work Assistant Secretary of Navy?
d) Woodrow Wilson

6) Which disease afflicted Franklin Roosevelt?
c) Polio

7) Of which state was Franklin Roosevelt Governor?
d) New York

8) When was Franklin Roosevelt first sworn in as President of USA?
b) 4 March 1933

9) Which anti-lynching bill was not supported by Franklin Roosevelt?
b) Costigan-Wagner Bill

10) Which significant event occurred on 7 December 1941?
c) Bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japan