Ernesto Orlando Lawrence Quiz

Ernesto Orlando Lawrence Quiz Questions

1. When did Ernesto Orlando Lawrence win Nobel Prize for Physics?
a) 1933
b) 1939
c) 1944
d) 1947

2. When was Ernesto Orlando Lawrence born?
a) 7 January 1896
b) 12 May 1898
c) 8 August 1901
d) 5 October 1895

3. Where was Ernesto Orlando Lawrence born?
a) Canton
b) Sacramento
c) Albany
d) Birmingham

4. Where was Ernesto Orlando Lawrence assistant professor?
a) Princeton
b) Harvard
c) Yale
d) Notre Dame

5. Where did Ernesto Orlando Lawrence build the Radiation Laboratory?
a) San Francisco
b) Berkeley
c) Austin
d) Hollywood

6. For what did Ernesto Orlando Lawrence win Nobel Prize for Physics?
a) Discovery of anomalies in alloys
b) Investigation of atomic structure and radiation
c) Work in X-Ray spectroscopy
d) Invention of cyclotron

7. What did Ernesto Orlando Lawrence develop during the Manhattan Project?
a) Electromagnetic process of separating uranium-235
b) Diffusion process of separating uranium-235
c) Thermal diffusion process of separating uranium-235
d) Transmutation in a nuclear pile of uranimum-238

8. What did Ernesto Orlando Lawrence invent and patent?
a) Digital versatile disc
b) Colour television picture tube
c) Video cassette player
d) Pager

9. When did Ernesto Orlando Lawrence die?
a) 8 February 1960
b) 4 April 1965
c) 27 August 1958
d) 15 November 1962

10. Where did Ernesto Orlando Lawrence die?
a) Livermore
b) Rawlins
c) Evanston
d) Palo Alto

Ernesto Orlando Lawrence Quiz Questions with Answers

1. When did Ernesto Orlando Lawrence win Nobel Prize for Physics?
b) 1939

2. When was Ernesto Orlando Lawrence born?
c) 8 August 1901

3. Where was Ernesto Orlando Lawrence born?
a) Canton

4. Where was Ernesto Orlando Lawrence assistant professor?
c) Yale

5. Where did Ernesto Orlando Lawrence build the Radiation Laboratory?
b) Berkeley

6. For what did Ernesto Orlando Lawrence win Nobel Prize for Physics?
d) Invention of cyclotron

7. What did Ernesto Orlando Lawrence develop during the Manhattan Project?
a) Electromagnetic process of separating uranium-235

8. What did Ernesto Orlando Lawrence invent and patent?
b) Colour television picture tube

9. When did Ernesto Orlando Lawrence die?
c) 27 August 1958

10. Where did Ernesto Orlando Lawrence die?
d) Palo Alto