Elephant Quiz

Elephant Quiz Questions

Asian Elephants at Mysore, India. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1) Which is the largest living land mammal?
a) Zebra
b) Elephant
c) Tiger
d) Lion

2) What is the gestation period of an elephant?
a) 10 months
b) 12 months
c) 15 months
d) 22 months

3) What are the tusks of elephants made of?
a) Gold
b) Ivory
c) Silver
d) Diamond

Skin of an African (left) and Asian (right) elephant. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

4) What is the total number of teeth of an elephant?
a) 12
b) 16
c) 24
d) 32

5) What is the normal life span of an elephant?
a) 50 years
b) 70 years
c) 100 years
d) 120 years

6) What is the meaning of elephant in Latin?
a) Long pole
b) Huge arch
c) Palm tree
d) Mountain

7) Elephants are referred to as pachyderms. What is the meaning of elephant pachyderm?
a) Long nose
b) Good teeth
c) Thick skin
d) Beautiful eyes

8) What is the approximate number of muscles in an elephant’s trunk?
a) 1,000
b) 5,000
c) 20,000
d) 40,000

Tusks of African and Asian elephants. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

9) Which is the species of Indian Elephant?
a) African
b) Asian
c) Savanna
d) Forest

10) To which order elephant belongs?
a) Proboscidea
b) Pinnipidea
c) Lagomorpha
d) Edentata

Elephant Quiz Questions with Answers

Wild elephants in Munnar, Kerala, India (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1) Which is the largest living land mammal?
b) Elephant

2) What is the gestation period of an elephant?
d) 22 months

3) What are the tusks of elephants made of?
b) Ivory

4) What is the total number of teeth of an elephant?
c) 24

5) What is the normal life span of an elephant?
b) 70 years

6) What is the meaning of elephant in Latin?
b) Huge arch

7) Elephants are referred to as pachyderms. What is the meaning of elephant pachyderm?
c) Thick skin

8) What is the approximate number of muscles in an elephant’s trunk?
d) 40,000

9) Which is the species of Indian Elephant?
b) Asian

10) To which order elephant belongs?
a) Proboscidea