Edward Gibbon Quiz

1. When was Edward Gibbon born?
  • Correct Answer: 8 May 1737

2. Where was Edward Gibbon born?
  • Correct Answer: Putney

3. About which school did Edward Gibbon write in his Memoirs “at the expense of many tears and blood, purchased a knowledge of Latin syntax.”?
  • Correct Answer: Kingston Grammar School

4. To which college was Edward Gibbon admitted?
  • Correct Answer: Magdalen College

5. When was Edward Gibbon received in the Roman Catholic Church?
  • Correct Answer: 8 June 1753

6. Edward Gibbon’s father put him under a Calvinist minister. When was Edward Gibbon readmitted as Protestant?
  • Correct Answer: 25 December 1754

7. Which book of Edward Gibbon is most famous?
  • Correct Answer: History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

8. When was Edward Gibbon elected to the Club, formed by Joshua Reynolds?
  • Correct Answer: 1775

9. When did Edward Gibbon die?
  • Correct Answer: 16 January 1794

10. Where did Edward Gibbon die?
  • Correct Answer: London