Dollar Quiz

Series 1928 or 1934 $1000 bill, Reverse (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Dollar Quiz Questions

1. Whose portrait appears on $1 note?
a) John Kennedy
b) Franklin Roosevelt
c) George Washington
d) Andrew Johnson

2. Whose portrait appears on $2 note?
a) Thomas Jefferson
b) Peter Lawford
c) John Adams
d) Woodrow Wilson

100,000 Dollars (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

3. Whose portrait appears on $5 note?
a) William Cavendish
b) Abraham Lincoln
c) James Monroe
d) Martin Van Buren

4. Whose portrait appears on $10 note?
a) Zachary Taylor
b) John Tyler
c) Robert Sargent Shriver
d) Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

5. Whose portrait appears on $20 note?
a) Chester Arthur
b) Franklin Pierce
c) Andrew Jackson
d) Stephen Smith

6. Whose portrait appears on $50 note?
a) Ulysses Grant
b) John Fitzgerald
c) Benjamin Harrison
d) Calvin Coolidge

7. Whose portrait appears on $500 note?
a) Robert Kennedy
b) William McKinley
c) Dwight Eisenhower
d) Samuel Tilden

8. Whose portrait appears on $1,000 note?
a) Zachary Taylor
b) John Bouvier
c) Robert Shriver
d) Grover Cleveland

Seal of the United States Department of the Treasury (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

9. Whose portrait appears on $5,000 note?
a) Marilyn Monroe
b) Greta Garbo
c) James Madison
d) Herbert Hoover

10. Whose portrait appears on $10,000 note?
a) Salmon Chase
b) Roger Taney
c) Gloria Swanson
d) William Taft

Dollar Quiz Questions with Answers

1. Whose portrait appears on $1 note?
c) George Washington

US Dollar Notes (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

2. Whose portrait appears on $2 note?
a) Thomas Jefferson

3. Whose portrait appears on $5 note?
b) Abraham Lincoln

4. Whose portrait appears on $10 note?
d) Alexander Hamilton

5. Whose portrait appears on $20 note?
c) Andrew Jackson

6. Whose portrait appears on $50 note?
a) Ulysses Grant

7. Whose portrait appears on $500 note?
b) William McKinley

8. Whose portrait appears on $1,000 note?
d) Grover Cleveland

9. Whose portrait appears on $5,000 note?
c) James Madison

10. Whose portrait appears on $10,000 note?
a) Salmon Chase