Denis Diderot Quiz

Denis Diderot

Denis Diderot Quiz Questions

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1. Where was Denis Diderot born?
a) Grenoble
b) Langres
c) Flux
d) Naples

2. When was Denis Diderot awarded the degree of Master of Arts in the University of Paris?
a) 19 March 1728
b) 14 April 1736
c) 2 September 1732
d) 11 November 1731

3. What did Denis Diderot edit in 1745-1772?
a) Le Figaro
b) Le Monde
c) Encyclopedie
d) Bild

4. Whom did Denis Diderot marry?
a) Antoinette Champion
b) Madeleine de Puisieux
c) Sophie Volland
d) Louise d’Epinay

5. When was Lettre sur les aveugles published?
a) 1745
b) 1749
c) 1742
d) 1746

6. Where was Denis Diderot imprisoned for three months?
a) Vincennes
b) Bastille
c) Cannes
d) Montreaux

7. Which of the following books did Denis Diderot publish in 1751?
a) Les Bijoux Indiscrets
b) Le Neveu de Rameau
c) Pensees philosophiques
d) Lettre sur les sourds et muets

8. Who bought Denis Diderot’s library?
a) William III
b) Mary II
c) Catherine II
d) Louis XVI

9. When did Denis Diderot die?
a) 26 January 1785
b) 22 May 1788
c) 31 July 1784
d) 12 December 1792

10. Where did Denis Diderot die?
a) Moscow
b) St. Petersburg
c) Paris
d) Vore

Denis Diderot Quiz Questions with Answers

1. Where was Denis Diderot born?
b) Langres

2. When was Denis Diderot awarded the degree of Master of Arts in the University of Paris?
c) 2 September 1732

3. What did Denis Diderot edit in 1745-1772?
c) Encyclopedie

4. Whom did Denis Diderot marry?
a) Antoinette Champion

5. When was Lettre sur les aveugles published?
b) 1749

6. Where was Denis Diderot imprisoned for three months?
a) Vincennes

7. Which of the following books did Denis Diderot publish in 1751?
d) Lettre sur les sourds et muets

8. Who bought Denis Diderot’s library?
c) Catherine II

9. When did Denis Diderot die?
c) 31 July 1784

10. Where did Denis Diderot die?
c) Paris