David Lloyd George Quiz

David Lloyd George, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

David Lloyd George, 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor was a British Liberal politician and statesman. He was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and led a Wartime Coalition Government and was the Leader of the Liberal Party.

Lloyd George is best known as the highly energetic Prime Minister who guided the Empire through the First World War to victory over Germany and its allies. He was a major player at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 that reordered Europe after the Great War. As an icon of 20th-century liberalism, he is regarded as the founder of the British welfare state. Lloyd George oversaw the partition of Ireland between an independent Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, which remained part of the UK. Source: Wikipedia

David Lloyd George Quiz Questions

1. When was David Lloyd George Prime Minister of UK?
a) 1901-1905
b) 1905-1908
c) 1916-1922
d) 1895-1900

2. When was David Lloyd George born?
a) 17 January 1863
b) 3 April 1864
c) 14 September 1862
d) 14 October 1861

3. Where was David Lloyd George born?
a) Liverpool
b) Ipswich
c) Manchester
d) Glasgow

4. To which party did David Lloyd George belong?
a) Liberal
b) Conservative
c) Democratic
d) Labour

5. Which constituency did David Lloyd George represent in Parliament?
a) Birmingham
b) Hampshire
c) Cardiff South
d) Caernarvon Boroughs

Asquith’s Cabinet Reacts to the Lords’ Rejection of the “People’s Budget”—a satirical cartoon, 1909 Prime Minister Asquith’s government welcomed the Lords’ veto of the “People’s Budget”; it moved the country toward a constitutional crisis over the Lords’ legislative powers. (Asquith makes the announcement while David Lloyd George holds down a jubilant Winston Churchill.) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

6. Who appointed David Lloyd George president of the Board of Trade?
a) Arthur James Balfour
b) Henry Campbell-Bannerman
c) Andrew Bonar Law
d) Herbert Henry Asquith

7. What prevented David Lloyd George from travelling to Russia with Horatio Herbert Kitchener in 1916?
a) Marriage
b) Sickness
c) Irish problem
d) Election

8. Which incident resulted in David Lloyd George’s resignation?
a) Fashoda incident
b) Canak incident
c) Easter Uprising
d) Sussex incident

9. When did David Lloyd George die?
a) 26 March 1945
b) 17 May 1936
c) 9 July 1942
d) 3 November 1947

10. Where did David Lloyd George die?
a) Bristol
b) Plymouth
c) Ty-newydd
d) Versailles

David Lloyd George Quiz Questions and Answers

David Lloyd George (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1. When was David Lloyd George Prime Minister of UK?
c) 1916-1922

2. When was David Lloyd George born?
a) 17 January 1863

3. Where was David Lloyd George born?
c) Manchester

4. To which party did David Lloyd George belong?
a) Liberal

5. Which constituency did David Lloyd George represent in Parliament?
d) Caernarvon Boroughs

6. Who appointed David Lloyd George president of the Board of Trade?
b) Henry Campbell-Bannerman

7. What prevented David Lloyd George from travelling to Russia with Horatio Herbert Kitchener in 1916?
c) Irish problem

8. Which incident resulted in David Lloyd George’s resignation?
b) Canak incident

9. When did David Lloyd George die?
a) 26 March 1945

10. Where did David Lloyd George die?
c) Ty-newydd

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