Poland Quiz

1. Who is the first pope from Poland?
  • Correct Answer: John Paul II

2. Which countries annexed Poland in 1939?
  • Correct Answer: Germany and USSR

3. Who was the leader of Solidarity?
  • Correct Answer: Lech Walesa

4. Who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1980?
  • Correct Answer: Czeslaw Milosz

5. Who was the king of Poland in 960-992?
  • Correct Answer: Mieszko II

6. Which of the following poets is a woman?
  • Correct Answer: Wislawa Szymborska

7. How many medals were won by Poland in Moscow Olympics 1980?
  • Correct Answer: 32

8. Who succeeded Karol Wojtyla as archbishop of Krakow?
  • Correct Answer: Franciszek Macharski

9. Who of the following is not a patron saint of Poland?
  • Correct Answer: St. Patrick

10. Who painted ” Lake Switez “?
  • Correct Answer: Julian Falat

11. When did Poland become a member of the European Union?
  • Correct Answer: May 1, 2004

12. How are Lech Kaczynaki who became president on December 23, 2005 and Jaroslaw Kaczynaki who became prime minister on July 10, 2006 related?
  • Correct Answer: Twins

13. Who was born in Warsaw and became National Security Advisor in USA?
  • Correct Answer: Zbigniew Brzezinski

14. Which is the currency of Poland?
  • Correct Answer: Zloty

15. Who invented interferometer?
  • Correct Answer: Albert Abraham Michelson

16. Who first discovered an extra-solar planet?
  • Correct Answer: Alexander Wolszczan

17. Who of the following offered to die for another during World War II?
  • Correct Answer: St. Maximillian Kolbe

18. Who won the Battle of Danzig in 1807?
  • Correct Answer: French

19. In which city is the Central Museum of Textiles?
  • Correct Answer: Lodz

20. When was LOT Polish Airlines founded?
  • Correct Answer: 1929

21. Who won the Shipping Line of the year 2007 award?
  • Correct Answer: Maersk

22. Which is the national flower of Poland?
  • Correct Answer: Cornflower

23. Which mast collapsed in 1991?
  • Correct Answer: RCN Konstantynow

24. Which of the following rivers empties into the Baltic Sea?
  • Correct Answer: Vistula

25. When is the Constitution Day of Poland?
  • Correct Answer: 03 May

26. When is the National Independence Day of Poland?
  • Correct Answer: 11 November