Christmas Quiz

Christmas Quiz Questions

1) Whose birth is celebrated on Christmas?
a) Jesus
b) Mary
c) Joseph
d) John the Baptist

2) Who was the Roman Emperor when the census was ordered?
a) Nero
b) Augustus
c) Tiberius
d) Caligula

3) Where is the Church of Nativity?
a) Bethlehem
b) Jericho
c) Jerusalem
d) Nazareth

4) Tradition has it that the magi were three kings. What are their names?
a) Gabriel, Michael, Raphael
b) Gaspar, Melchior, Balthazar
c) Peter, James, John
d) Abraham, Isaac, Jacob

5) Who wanted to kill Jesus when he came to know that Jesus was born?
a) Quirinius
b) Pilate
c) Herod
d) Claudius

6) Which season precedes Christmas?
a) Lent
b) Easter
c) Advent
d) Ascension

7) On which saint the legend of Santa Claus is based?
a) St. Andrew
b) St. Nicholas
c) St. Stephen
d) St. John

8) Who made the first crib?
a) St. Dominic
b) St. Francis of Assisi
c) St. Thomas Aquinas
d) St. Francis Xavier

9) Where was celebration of Christmas forbidden by an Act of Parliament in 1644?
a) England
b) Ireland
c) France
d) Germany

10) Which books in the Bible give the genealogy of Jesus?
a) Joshua and Ruth
b) Gospels of Matthew and Luke
c) Gospels of Mark and John
d) Ezra and Nehemiah

Christmas Quiz Questions with Answers

1) Whose birth is celebrated on Christmas?
a) Jesus

2) Who was the Roman Emperor when the census was ordered?
b) Augustus

3) Where is the Church of Nativity?
a) Bethlehem

4) Tradition has it that the magi were three kings. What are their names?
b) Gaspar, Melchior, Balthazar

5) Who wanted to kill Jesus when he came to know that Jesus was born?
c) Herod

6) Which season precedes Christmas?
c) Advent

7) On which saint the legend of Santa Claus is based?
b) St. Nicholas

8) Who made the first crib?
b) St. Francis of Assisi

9) Where was celebration of Christmas forbidden by an Act of Parliament in 1644?
a) England

10) Which books in the Bible give the genealogy of Jesus?
b) Gospels of Matthew and Luke